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This is a picture of ……
  • boys and girls at school
  • a girl and her mother
  • a supermarket
  • an English house
The girl on the left has got ……
  • short hair
  • a white shirt
  • brown glasses
  • black hair
What can you see in the picture?
  • books
  • pens
  • computers
  • doors
Complete the word: C H O C O L ………
  • A T
  • A T E
  • E T
  • E A T
Red + white = …… .
  • grey
  • pink
  • yellow
  • black
…… is from June to September.
  • Winter
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Spring
The old lady wants to go to bed now because she's very …… .
  • tall
  • hungry
  • tired
  • small
Complete this “family” of words: tiger, monkey, sheep, …… .
  • knife
  • pig
  • meal
  • car
Maria …… .
  • comes from Germany
  • is Lily's sister
  • knows Lily very well
  • and Lily are good friends
Lily's house …… .
  • is big
  • isn't modern
  • is a long way from Dover
  • is in a town
Lily loves her house because …… .
  • she's got two cats
  • it's got a very big garden
  • there’s a window in her bedroom
  • the apple trees are very old
Find the true sentence.
  • Lily has got photos of Maria's house.
  • There are trees in Lily's bedroom.
  • Lily knows Maria's family.
  • Three people live in Lily's house.
The dogs …… in the garden.
  • is
  • have
  • are
  • am
…… the questions and find the answers.
  • Walk
  • Rain
  • Read
  • Drive
My maths teacher has …… .
  • in the playground
  • got a new car
  • work very hard
  • not today
Ugh! I …… eat these potatoes. They're horrible
  • don't like
  • hate
  • can't
  • not want
George …… to bed late on Saturdays.
  • is often
  • makes
  • sometimes goes
  • never has
There are six …… at the table.
  • water
  • people
  • flowers
  • bread
The grandfather is …… .
  • next to his mother
  • behind his daughter
  • between his grandsons
  • opposite one of his granddaughters.
The title of this photo is …… .
  • “A picnic in the rain”
  • “Lunch on a hot day”
  • “Asleep in the garden”
  • “A warm summer night”
What can you see in the photo?
  • Windows, parents, clouds.
  • Plates, glasses, food.
  • Chairs, feet, clothes.
  • Arms, people, hats.
Scotland is part of the United …… .
  • Kingdom
  • States
  • Europe
  • England
In Britain, people often have …… for breakfast.
  • bacon and eggs
  • fish and chips
  • ham and cheese
  • roast beef
Buckingham …… is the London home of Queen Elizabeth II.
  • House
  • Castle
  • Palace
  • Tower
In Britain, the day before the 25th of December is called …… .
  • Christmas Night
  • Christmas Eve
  • Boxing Day
  • Saint Nicholas
Your friend says, “My mother's ill.” What can you say now?
  • “Is he very ill?”
  • “I'm happy for you.”
  • “That's nice.”
  • “I'm sorry.”
The teacher wants silence. What can she say to the children?
  • “Don't stop!”
  • “Wake up!”
  • “Be quiet!”
  • “Don't talk fast!”
A man asks Jennifer Hobson, “What's your surname?” What does she answer?
  • “Jennifer.”
  • “Jenny.”
  • “Hobson.”
  • “Jennifer Hobson.”
A woman says to you, “Passengers for Dublin, please go to platform 4.” Where are you?
  • At an airport.
  • In a railway station.
  • In a hotel.
  • At a hospital.
You are at the bus stop with Ryan. The bus is late. Suddenly, Ryan sees it and says, “Ah, here …… !”.
  • it is
  • you are
  • comes
  • it goes
A woman says, “It's quiet, safe, very comfortable, and I love the colour.”
  • Her new computer.
  • Her new bed.
  • Her new car.
  • Her new dress.
“……” rhymes with “here”.
  • Ear
  • There
  • Bear
  • Hair
Complete the list: go, know, alone, …… .
  • one
  • boat
  • front
  • brown
“Beautiful” = O o o. “Imagination” = …… .
  • O o o o o
  • o O o o o
  • o o O o o
  • o o o O o
This is from the Tamford Secondary School website and it's about …… .
  • how to pick strawberries
  • a holiday job
  • a weekend in the country
  • a summer holiday by the sea
Tom helps on the farm because …… .
  • he loves strawberries
  • he doesn't like hard work
  • it's fun and he can make some money
  • his aunt and uncle don't pay him
Students who work on the farm in the summer …… .
  • never stop work at 3pm
  • can work six hours a day
  • must be under 14
  • don't work on Sundays
If you work a whole day on the farm, …… .
  • they pay you for six hours' work
  • Tom's aunt and uncle give you lunch
  • you can have lunch in a café
  • you can't start before 9am
…… Spanish, doesn't he?
  • Does he read
  • Your father doesn't understand
  • Jack speaks
  • Your family is
…… there …… on the menu in the cafeteria today?
  • Are … some curry
  • Have … got steak
  • Is … any chicken
  • What is … eat
I don't understand all the controls on this machine. For example, the blue button. What ……?
  • does it make
  • is it for
  • does happen
  • can I do it
Sarah usually …… at 8 o'clock.
  • is getting up
  • has got dinner
  • has breakfast
  • having a cup of tea
Find the word that is not associated with music.
  • drum
  • keyboard
  • hill
  • single
Which pair of words doesn’t sound the same?
  • for/four
  • there/their
  • cold/called
  • meet/meat
It's in south-west England and it's very old. What is it?
  • Stonehenge.
  • Cambridge University.
  • Loch Ness.
  • Dover Castle.

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This is a photo of two teenagers…… .
  • in a city street
  • on a bus
  • in the kitchen
  • at the beach
The girl …… .
  • is looking at the boy
  • has got short blond hair
  • is sad
  • is wearing glasses
The boy is …… his phone.
  • driving
  • riding
  • eating
  • holding
The cups and plates are in the …… next to the fridge.
  • sky
  • cupboard
  • bottle
  • watch
John is very …… – he's 1.90 m!
  • clever
  • short
  • tall
  • small
Before you go to school, you must …… your books in your schoolbag.
  • put
  • run
  • write
  • cut
Complete this “family” of words: skirt, trousers, coat, …… .
  • shirt
  • leg
  • carpet
  • desk
When I go to school, I take the bus from the corner of my street and …… at the third stop.”
  • wake up
  • get off
  • come back
  • turn off
Katie is writing to …… .
  • a friend
  • her daughter
  • Ellie's mother
  • Ellie Hardcastle
What do you know about Ellie?
  • She doesn't know Katie.
  • She lives with her mother.
  • She's got a cat.
  • She's at home at the moment.
What does Katie want?
  • A cat.
  • A phone number.
  • Food for the cat.
  • A key.
Ellie …… yesterday.
  • gave her key to Katie
  • forgot to feed her cat
  • took her cat on holiday with her
  • left her cat in her flat
Harry …… to school today. He's ill.
  • isn't going
  • don't go
  • can't work
  • isn't
My dad sometimes …… in the evening.
  • is working
  • cooks dinner
  • very tired
  • watch television
There …… people in the shop. It's empty.
  • have got
  • isn't
  • are some
  • aren't any
Yesterday, Peter …… an email to Kylie but she didn't answer.
  • is writing
  • must write
  • sent
  • gets
Jack's sister is more …… he is.
  • shorter than
  • intelligent as
  • prettier than
  • popular than
Behind the black book there is …… .
  • a red purse
  • a pair of sunglasses
  • a beach bag
  • a pair of shoes
These are Carla's things. She's going to …… two weeks in Spain.
  • go
  • pass
  • spend
  • bring
What can you say about Carla?
  • She never wears a hat.
  • She isn't taking any clothes with her.
  • She's going to a place that's sunny.
  • She doesn't like pink.
Find the things that Carla is probably going to take with her.
  • A passport, a toothbrush, a swimsuit.
  • Sun cream, showers, perfume.
  • Shorts, T-shirts, inches.
  • Sandals, mice, dresses.
…… and chips is a traditional English dish.
  • Pudding
  • Pork
  • Duck
  • Fish
This politician, who died in 1965, was twice Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. What was his name?
  • Winston Churchill.
  • Charlie Chaplin.
  • William Shakespeare.
  • Guy Fawkes.
In a London shop, you buy a bar of chocolate that costs 70p. What does “p” mean?
  • pounds
  • pence
  • prize
  • price
The Beatles came from …… . It's a seaport in north-west England.
  • Liverpool
  • Manchester
  • Bristol
  • Oxford
It's 10.30. Someone asks you, “What time is it?” What can you say?
  • “Eleven thirty.”
  • “Half past ten.”
  • “Thirty after ten.”
  • “Half of eleven.”
In a restaurant, a waiter serves you with your food. What can he say?
  • “Enjoy your meal.”
  • “Have a nice trip.”
  • “Here is your bill.”
  • “Come back soon.”
Anna says to you, “I'm sorry. I forgot to send you a birthday card.” You want to tell her that it isn't important. What can you say?
  • “I never worry.”
  • “It doesn't matter.”
  • “Please excuse me.”
  • “What a pity.”
You are talking to Sam on the phone. He bought a new bike yesterday. You want a description of the bike. What can you ask?
  • “What's it like?”
  • “How long is it?”
  • “Does it go well?”
  • “What does he look like?”
You see the words “Add to your basket”. What are you doing?
  • Buying something online.
  • Doing a maths test.
  • Shopping in a supermarket.
  • Reading a cake recipe.
Patrick is trying on a jacket in a shop but it's much too big for him. What can he say?
  • “I'm afraid it doesn't fit.”
  • “I can't put it on.”
  • “It isn't cheap enough.”
  • “I'm sorry but I need a larger size.”
The letter “C” rhymes with …… .
  • say
  • free
  • car
  • buy
Find the pair of words that rhymes.
  • there/share
  • ships/keeps
  • quite/quiet
  • eight/height
“Introduction” = o o O o. “Incredible” = ……
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
The writer of this diary is Rachel's …… .
  • sister
  • friend
  • mother
  • brother
The writer …… “13 Going On 30” …… .
  • thought … was terrible
  • didn't like … at all
  • thought … was very good
  • didn't think …… was good
On Sunday evening, Rachel and the writer watched …… .
  • a romantic comedy at the cinema
  • a fantasy movie about a young girl who wants to be older
  • a comedy about a woman who wants to be younger
  • a reality TV show
Jenna makes a wish because she …… .
  • would like to be more intelligent
  • doesn't have a good job in New York
  • wants to escape from all the problems that teenagers have
  • thinks that adults don't have enough problems
There's no school at weekends so I …… to get up early.
  • don't have
  • mustn't
  • have got
  • never must
Lois …… in her office when, suddenly, Superman flew in through the window.
  • worked
  • was working
  • is going to work
  • works hard
…… lovely flowers you've got in your garden!
  • Those
  • How
  • What
  • Whose
Soldiers wear uniforms and ……. .
  • sailors are too
  • also do policemen
  • so do most security guards
  • do a lot of British schoolchildren
The “a” in “England” doesn't sound like…… .
  • the “a” in “Ireland”
  • the “a” in “Germany”
  • the second “a" in “Africa”
  • the second “a” in “Japan”
Complete the series: clean/dirty, high/low, loud/…… .
  • dark
  • less
  • soft
  • slim
One of the national symbols of England is …… .
  • a red rose
  • a white horse
  • a pear tree
  • a red dragon

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The boy in the photo …… a new shirt.
  • is paying
  • is calling
  • wants
  • have got
The boy is wearing …… .
  • a hat
  • a grey T-shirt
  • a green polo shirt
  • sunglasses
Find the group of words that is associated with clothes.
  • trousers, tie, shorts
  • plate, jeans, pocket
  • socks, skirt, bus
  • size, cloud, coat
My uncle works in a …… where they make washing machines.
  • furniture
  • moon
  • castle
  • factory
You can't see the house from the street because there's a high wall …… it.
  • over
  • around
  • across
  • above
Will you …… on the light, please? It's dark in here.
  • pull
  • switch
  • make
  • run
Jenny is nervous and uncomfortable with other people. In other words, she is …… .
  • shy
  • friendly
  • scary
  • amusing
Choose a name for this “family” of words: wing, pilot, fly.
  • Planes
  • Birds
  • Insects
  • Cars
What do you know about Sally?
  • She lives in London.
  • She gives piano lessons.
  • She has got a son.
  • She doesn't work.
What do you know about Janet and Peter?
  • They have lived in Bexley for a long time.
  • Before they moved, they lived in London.
  • They want to buy a piano.
  • They met Sally in a local shop.
What do you know about Billy?
  • He can play the piano very well.
  • He's got a younger brother.
  • It's his birthday next month.
  • He is a teenager.
In the email, Janet and Peter …… .
  • suggest several lessons every week
  • say that they think Sally is a good teacher
  • ask if the lessons are free
  • ask about the cost of lessons
How often …… to the cinema?
  • are you going
  • do you go
  • have you got
  • is he
She isn't in her office at the moment – she …… lunch.
  • is having
  • cooks her
  • ate the
  • can wait
I'm sure …… to the party if you invite him.
  • he comes
  • he'll come
  • he's coming
  • he would like
After dinner, she …… chapter two of the book and then went to bed.
  • has written
  • read
  • was making
  • looks at
Julia has had toothache …… She really must see a dentist.
  • two days ago
  • since yesterday
  • when she got up this morning
  • last Monday
On this sort of tour bus, a lot of people prefer to sit ……, like the couple in the picture.
  • upstairs
  • above
  • inside
  • in the sky
The bus tour …… two hours.
  • makes
  • passes
  • lasts
  • times
Every day, this bus takes hundreds of tourists on …… tours of London.
  • visiting
  • sightseeing
  • circle
  • everywhere
The couple are on a day …… to London.
  • ride
  • travel
  • voyage
  • trip
American children usually go to …… school when they are 14 or 15.
  • second
  • high
  • primary
  • elementary
Niagara Falls are on the border between …… .
  • the USA and Mexico
  • Canada and the USA
  • England and Scotland
  • India and Pakistan
The Union Jack is another name for …… .
  • the uniform of an English soldier
  • the train from Washington, D.C. to New York
  • the American constitution
  • the flag of the United Kingdom
Find the event that happened in 1776.
  • Wellington defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo.
  • William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
  • The first underground railway in the world was opened in London.
  • The United States said it wanted to be an independent nation.
You are trying on a pair of jeans in a shop. They're too small for you. What can you say to the assistant?
  • “They don't fit.”
  • “Can I have a smaller size?”
  • “They don't suit me.”
  • “I'll take them.”
Someone replies, “Yes. Take the first left.” What question did you ask?
  • “Are there any more sandwiches?”
  • “Can I take one of those books?”
  • “Did I win a prize?”
  • “Do you know the way to the station?”
Kate is invited to Joe’s parents’ barbecue. She asks Joe, “Can I bring my dog?” He says, “I’m sure no one will mind.” What does he mean?
  • Nobody will notice her dog.
  • It won't be a problem.
  • No one likes dogs.
  • Bringing her dog isn't a good idea.
A woman says, “I'm sorry, I don't have an appointment. Is that all right?” Where is she?
  • At the cash desk of a supermarket.
  • At the hairdresser's.
  • At the cinema.
  • In a taxi.
You are calling Richard on the phone. He answers and asks you to wait. What can he say?
  • “Hold on a second.”
  • “Hang up, please.”
  • “Pick up.”
  • “Don't be patient.”
Fiona tells her mother, “My best friend made fun of my new necklace.”
  • “Of course. I told you it suited you, didn't I?”
  • “Well, it isn't everyone's cup of tea.”
  • “In was nice of you to share it.”
  • “I'm so happy she had a good time.”
“Done” rhymes with …… .
  • turn
  • gone
  • own
  • fun
The “a” in “distance” has the same sound as the “a” in “……”
  • actor
  • place
  • about
  • father
“Australia” = o O o o. “Definitely” = …… .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
Find an appropriate title for this text.
  • A Sudden Change in the Weather
  • A Terrible Holiday
  • A Possible Disaster
  • Rescuing the Neighbours
When Meagan posted this on Facebook, …… .
  • it wasn't raining
  • her house wasn't under water
  • she wasn't at all worried
  • the weather was getting better
What do we know for certain about Meagan?
  • She has lived in this house for less than five years
  • She has got some friends in Manchester
  • She knows she will have to leave her house.
  • She is going to stay with one of her friends.
What do you think Bill and Caroline said to Meagan?
  • “Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen.”
  • “You can't be too careful.”
  • “If it doesn't stop raining, we'll stay here.”
  • “Do the same as we did five years ago.”
When I go on holiday, my grandparents always ask …… a postcard.
  • for sending them
  • me to send them
  • will I send for them
  • if I send them
I don't think there's …… than a long hot bath.
  • something nicer
  • nothing more relaxing
  • ever had
  • anything better
Of all the movies …… , which is your favourite?
  • that have made
  • you've seen
  • starred Tom Cruise
  • were made in Hollywood
Complete the "family” of words: hurry, run, gallop, …… .
  • rush
  • wander
  • hike
  • stretch
When the penguins …… out of their cages, we fed them with fish.
  • have all come
  • were finally let
  • have been allowed
  • are permitted
Which pair of words doesn't sound the same?
  • pens, pence
  • mist, missed
  • meat, meet
  • weight, wait
…… is a public holiday in the USA. It commemorates something that happened almost 400 years ago.
  • Thanksgiving
  • Remembrance Day
  • Easter Monday
  • Martin Luther King Day

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The girl on the right looks …… .
  • upset
  • surprised
  • happy
  • pleased
The two people in the background are …… .
  • enjoying a funny video
  • laughing at the girl
  • giving directions
  • asking for help
Which group of words can be used to describe the photo?
  • Arm, handbag, disappointed
  • Secret, bully, bottle
  • Unhappy, glasses, stand
  • Point, laptop, cruel
The opposite of "pretty" is …… .
  • tidy
  • ugly
  • cold
  • dry
Let me know what time your train arrives. I'll …… you up at the station.
  • pick
  • wake
  • turn
  • grow
Smile for the photo – say “……”!
  • cheese
  • beans
  • cookies
  • bananas
A lot of people …… for the job because it was very well paid.
  • applied
  • demanded
  • required
  • raised
Find a name for this “family” of words: cut, sore, pain, …… .
  • Making clothes
  • Food preparation
  • Health problems
  • Making a movie
Long Meadow …… .
  • belongs to the school
  • is used for school sports
  • is the name of the Harpers' house
  • is a village near the school
The school …… .
  • is as old as the Harpers' house
  • was built more than 50 years ago
  • has used Long Meadow for centuries
  • bought part of the Harpers' land
Mr Barnes knows that …… .
  • Long Meadow now belongs to a property developer
  • Sir Angus sold Long Meadow just before he died
  • it is probable that houses will be built next to the school
  • Sir Angus's widow wants to sell her house
Find the sentence that corresponds to information in the text.
  • The school is not prepared to pay for a place to play sports.
  • The Head Teacher wants to continue to use Long Meadow
  • Mr Barnes knows that an alternative to Long Meadow has to be found.
  • The school pays a very low rent for Long Meadow.
Come on, Tom, get into the car! What …… for?
  • are you waiting
  • do you look
  • have you got
  • don't you hurry
There's only one bedroom, so one of you …… to sleep on the sofa.
  • going
  • won't
  • must
  • will have
Thank you for your present. It's the most beautiful bracelet I …… seen.
  • was already
  • have ever
  • have never
  • haven't yet
If you …… more, you would get better marks in class.
  • study
  • studied
  • studying
  • have studied
The monkey has been found. No one knows how …… its cage.
  • it escaped from
  • did it get out of
  • it has opened
  • has it unlocked
The man in the photo is …… .
  • trying to steal something
  • hiding an object in his trousers
  • putting something in his bag
  • repairing a hole in his jacket
He is thinking, “ I hope ……”
  • they will miss me
  • they can put this away
  • I won't be noticed
  • I can afford this
Find the list of words that is associated with crime.
  • hold-up, burglar, pickpocket
  • robber, iron, drawer
  • cereal murder, theft
  • prison, mirror, witness
Someone who leaves a store without paying is a “shop……”.
  • raiser
  • lifter
  • picker
  • stealer
Which of these sports is not one of the five most popular sports in the USA?
  • Baseball.
  • Cricket.
  • Basketball.
  • American football.
Most of the 53 members of the Commonwealth …… .
  • are British towns
  • are American states
  • were British colonies
  • are European countries
In the USA, …… not traditionally served at a Thanksgiving dinner.
  • pumpkin pie is
  • mashed potatoes are
  • roast turkey is
  • lemon jelly is
…… is a capital city and the name of a famous 19th century British general.
  • Churchill
  • Wellington
  • Nelson
  • Washington
A little boy has just offered to help an old lady across the road. What can she say to him?
  • “I don't care.”
  • “You can't help it.”
  • “How kind of you.”
  • “You're welcome.”
Rob's girlfriend is angry with him. He wants to phone her but you don't think it's a good idea. What can you say to him?
  • “Give her a ring.”
  • “I'd rather not.”
  • “Bad luck.”
  • “Better not.”
A woman tells you, “Your time's up”. What is the situation?
  • She is telling you that your watch doesn't work.
  • You have been doing a test and you must stop writing now.
  • She is telling you that the doctor can see you now.
  • You have just swum 100 metres faster than ever before.
Bill asks Alice, “How do you feel about going to a new school?” Alice feels very positive about it. What can she say?
  • “I'm looking forward to it.”
  • “Best wishes.”
  • “It's going to be a nightmare.”
  • “I honestly don't care.”
Someone tells you, “You can get ten pounds off if you book now.” What do you want to do?
  • Lose weight.
  • Sell an old book.
  • Reserve a plane ticket.
  • Become physically fit.
A man who was walking his dog found a gun near the crime scene and immediately …… to the police.
  • took it out
  • handed it over
  • gave it away
  • passed it round
“Main”, “ache”, “great” and …… all contain the same vowel sound.
  • dare
  • grey
  • wet
  • cheat
Which pair of words does not rhyme?
  • said/dead
  • hurt/flirt
  • caught/thought
  • shoot/put
“Political” = o O o o. “Politician” = …… .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
What do we know about Edina J?
  • Her Canadian tour was cancelled.
  • Not many people go to her concerts.
  • She isn't often in the news.
  • She gave several concerts in Canada.
We also know that Edina J …… .
  • doesn't use social media
  • said she was too tired to complete her tour
  • never disappoints her fans
  • doesn't live in Canada
Edina J's fans …… .
  • think she has been resting since the weekend
  • aren't used to getting news about her
  • were almost sure she was going to cancel a concert
  • have just had some news about her on Twitter
The writer of this article …… .
  • saw Edina J in a Spanish club on Tuesday
  • suspects that Edina J hasn't been telling her fans the truth
  • knows why Edina J went to Spain
  • is worried about Edina J's boyfriend
If only we …… a dishwasher! I'm fed up with doing the washing-up.
  • can have
  • would have
  • had
  • have had
My feet are killing me. It's because I …… wearing high heels.
  • have never used
  • am not used to
  • don't use for
  • can't get used by
Your teeth aren't perfect. If you want to be a movie star, you should …… fixed …… .
  • make them … as soon as possible
  • have a dentist … them
  • get them … by a dentist
  • have been … them
They aren't going to supply us with any more components until …… their last bill.
  • we've paid
  • we'll pay
  • we will have paid
  • we've been paying
If someone tells you, “You're behaving like a …… ,” they mean that you are very careless and don't think before acting.
  • fish out of water
  • wolf in sheep's clothing
  • cat among the pigeons
  • bull in a china shop
In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote a book that became world famous. The main character was called …… .
  • Robinson Crusoe
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Doctor Frankenstein
  • Count Dracula
Uluru is a popular tourist destination in Australia. What is it?
  • A traditional Aborigine village near Melbourne.
  • A beautiful waterfall that is sacred to the Aborigines.
  • A huge red rock in the desert.
  • A beach for surfers near Sydney.

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