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The children in this picture are …… .
  • in a classroom
  • in a garden
  • in a shop
  • in the street
The children are …… .
  • happy
  • sad
  • angry
  • sisters
The boy on the left has got …… .
  • blond hair
  • a black coat
  • a red and white shirt
  • a yellow T-shirt
Complete the word: _ N G L A N D
  • A
  • E
  • I
  • U
Ten + eleven = ……
  • thirteen
  • twenty-one
  • twenty-three
  • thirty-two
Cats have got four …… .
  • heads
  • mouths
  • eyes
  • legs
The River Thames is very …… .
  • tall
  • easy
  • water
  • long
Complete this “family” of words: pen, ruler, rubber, …… .
  • cow
  • pencil
  • clock
  • tie
Joanna is Christina's …… .
  • mother
  • sister
  • aunt
  • daughter
This email is about…… .
  • a holiday
  • a birthday
  • a new baby
  • a school
The party is …… .
  • in the evening
  • at night
  • in the afternoon
  • in the morning
Find the true sentence.
  • Christina is thirty.
  • Christina has got a secret.
  • Christina's parents want to give her a surprise.
  • The party is on Sunday.
You …… very pretty, Maria.
  • am
  • is
  • are
  • have
…… your book at page 10 and read the story.
  • Sit
  • Open
  • Close
  • Listen
Jennifer …… a new phone.
  • has got
  • do have
  • have got
  • is
Jack and his sister never …… to school by bus.
  • walk
  • go
  • take
  • run
I …… play football today because I'm ill.
  • don't want
  • am not
  • don't like
  • can't
In the picture, there is a …… on the left.
  • door
  • chair
  • table
  • cup
There is a picture ............... a plant.
  • under
  • on top of
  • behind
  • in
There is a …… between the bookcase and the corner.
  • window
  • desk
  • bottle
  • television
What can you see in the picture?
  • Cupboards, a sofa, a banana.
  • A bag, a lamp, a calendar.
  • Flowers, curtains, a cat.
  • A bird, a fridge, books.
The capital of the United Kingdom is …… .
  • Dublin
  • London
  • England
  • Edinburgh
The legend of Robin …… is very famous.
  • Hood
  • Wood
  • Good
  • Food
…… is a ball game and a national British sport. The ball is small, hard and usually red.
  • Cricket
  • Baseball
  • Rugby
  • Football
It's in London and it's almost 1,000 years old. What is it?
  • Edinburgh Castle.
  • The London Eye.
  • The Tower of London.
  • Big Ben.
A man asks you, “What time is it?” It's 12.55. What can you say?
  • “It's twelve fifteen.”
  • “It's five to one.”
  • “I've almost got one.”
  • “It's eleven fifty-five.”
Your friend Tim is laughing. You don't know why. What can you ask him?
  • “Why is he laughing, Tim?”
  • “Tim, why are you sad?”
  • “What's so funny, Tim?”
  • “Do you like Tim?”
A woman is talking on the phone. She says, “It's cloudy and it's not very warm.” What is she talking about?
  • A new coat.
  • The weather.
  • Her house.
  • A cup of coffee.
Annie is phoning Bill. She says, “I'm sorry. I can't come to the cinema with you tonight." Bill is disappointed. What can he say?
  • “I'm very worried.”
  • “Well done.”
  • “What a pity!”
  • “Enjoy the film.”
A woman is crossing the street but a car is coming, very fast. You think she is in danger. What can you say?
  • “Run out!”
  • “Look out!”
  • “Take out!”
  • “Come out!”
You put a plate of food in the microwave and press the “on” button. But nothing happens. What can you say?
  • “I can't turn the microwave.”
  • “It isn't making anything.”
  • “It doesn't work.”
  • “There's nothing here.”
The number “5” rhymes with “……”.
  • life
  • drive
  • wife
  • give
“……” rhymes with “rich”.
  • H
  • Fish
  • Witch
  • Rice
“September” = o O o. “Grandfather” = …… .
  • O o o
  • o O o
  • o o O
  • o o O o
This is a page on the Twizzers' website. What is a Twizzer?
  • A smartphone.
  • A competition.
  • A sweet.
  • A game.
What does the web page say about Twizzers?
  • They're cheap and delicious.
  • There are thousands of Twizzers in a packet.
  • Twizzers are very popular.
  • Twizzers are good for you.
Find the true sentence.
  • You can't enter the competition if you live in England.
  • If you are 12 years old, you can't enter the competition.
  • You must send your answer by email.
  • Everyone under 16 can enter the competition.
Which sentence can win the competition?
  • Children love Twizzers because they are really fun to eat.
  • Kids like Twizzers because they are colourful and cool!
  • Twizzers are kids' favourite sweets because they are really delicious.
  • My mum, dad, gran and grandad all love Twizzers!
“What …… on Sundays?” “I usually go swimming.”
  • are you doing
  • do you often
  • do you do
  • do I like
There …… orange juice in the fridge.
  • isn't any
  • are some
  • aren't any
  • are some bottles
…… those two cats in the garden?
  • How many are
  • Whose are
  • What's the matter
  • Can you see if
“…… dinner tonight, Mum?” “Fish and chips."
  • Is there a lot of
  • What's for
  • Have we got for
  • What do you cook for
“Worry” rhymes with “……”.
  • lorry
  • curry
  • marry
  • sorry
Find the word that is not associated with money.
  • purse
  • coin
  • note
  • sail
English children love Guy Fawkes Night, or Firework Night. It is on the …… .
  • 5th of November
  • 1st of May
  • 24th of December
  • 2nd of January

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This is a picture of …… .
  • a woman at home in London
  • a tourist in London
  • a young man in a London street
  • a London shop
The woman is …… .
  • looking at her phone
  • lost
  • asking for help
  • very happy
The woman is wearing …… .
  • a brown jacket
  • a map
  • a problem
  • a bag
…… is my favourite colour.
  • Grey
  • Violin
  • Read
  • Write
John is in the bathroom. He's having a …… .
  • sweater
  • painting
  • shower
  • water
The opposite of “stupid” is ".............".
  • bad
  • funny
  • clever
  • short
Please …… up, Tom. You're late for school!
  • find
  • hurry
  • run
  • work
Complete this “family” of words: beans, carrots, potatoes, …… .
  • peas
  • pears
  • bears
  • streets
Mandy is writing this email …… .
  • in the morning
  • in the afternoon
  • in the evening
  • at lunchtime
Mandy and Carole had dinner at …… .
  • a restaurant
  • Mandy's house
  • Carole's house
  • a hotel
What is Mandy's problem?
  • She phoned Carole but there was no answer.
  • Her phone is in Carole's house.
  • Her computer doesn't work.
  • Carole hasn't got a phone.
Find the true sentence.
  • Mandy and Carole are students at the same school.
  • Carole is probably Mandy's older sister.
  • Mandy is a better cook than Carole.
  • Carole is coming to Mandy's house tomorrow.
Peter, …… your brother at school today?
  • is
  • am
  • are
  • he
I often …… lunch in the school cafeteria.
  • eats
  • have
  • drink
  • is having
We're …… to visit London in the summer.
  • going
  • want
  • went
  • can
A lion is …… a mouse.
  • big as
  • more dangerous
  • bigger than
  • faster
I was frightened because I …… a spider in the bath.
  • can see
  • see
  • sent
  • saw
This is a picture of a table at …… time.
  • dinner
  • lunch
  • breakfast
  • tea
The bacon is …… .
  • on the right of the picture
  • on the floor
  • next to an egg
  • under the plate
What can you see in the picture?
  • Sugar, oranges, a cup.
  • Sausages, a glass, milk.
  • Cornflakes, juice, a fork.
  • Coffee, eggs, a spoon.
Would you …… toast with your bacon and eggs?
  • have some pieces
  • like a
  • like some
  • want a
Scotland is in the …… of Britain.
  • south
  • north
  • east
  • west
Oxford and Cambridge have got famous …… .
  • city walls
  • palaces
  • universities
  • beaches
A mile is …… a kilometre.
  • longer than
  • shorter than
  • the same as
  • not as long as
The transport system under the streets of London is called the Underground or the …… .
  • Submarine
  • Tunnel
  • Tube
  • Metro
Your friend is climbing a tree. It looks dangerous. What can you say?
  • “Be careful.”
  • “I'm very sorry.”
  • “Don't worry.”
  • “Enjoy your trip.”
In the cinema, your friend says, “I think this film is awful.” You agree. What can you say?
  • “So do I.”
  • “I am too.”
  • “Yes, I think.”
  • “I don't.”
You're looking for the words “Way out”. Why?
  • You're shopping on the internet and you want to pay.
  • You're in a car park and you want to leave.
  • You're in a town and you want to cross a street.
  • You want to go into a museum.
You are on a plane. You hear an announcement: “Please …… your mobile phones.”
  • switch off
  • put out
  • turn down
  • close down
Two boys are talking. One boy says, “It's on tonight, isn't it? I never miss it.” What are the boys talking about?
  • A television programme.
  • The moon.
  • A bus.
  • A friend's 16th birthday party.
A mechanic is repairing Mrs Clark's car. He says, “About an hour, madam.” What question did Mrs Clark ask?
  • “How much time does it have?”
  • “How long is it going to take?”
  • “When did you finish?”
  • “What time are you coming?”
The letter “K” rhymes with …… .
  • car
  • way
  • key
  • her
Which pair of words doesn't rhyme?
  • try, high
  • friend, send
  • son, one
  • would, food
“Hospital” = O o o. “Political” = …… .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
This is a page from …… website.
  • a school's
  • Warwick Castle's
  • a local newspaper's
  • Mrs Bell's
How many people went on the trip?
  • Twenty-two.
  • Ten.
  • Twenty-four.
  • Thirty-three.
What can you say about last Saturday?
  • The weather was better in the morning than in the afternoon.
  • No one enjoyed the trip.
  • The students and the teachers spent the afternoon on the river.
  • Everyone visited the castle after lunch.
Find the sentence that is definitely true.
  • The trip was on a Saturday in April.
  • Greg didn't take any photos of the trip.
  • Greg is looking for people who can take photos.
  • Greg thinks there aren't enough photos of the trip on the website.
If you look …… this telescope, you can see the stars.
  • across
  • through
  • over
  • out of
If he takes his medicine every day, he …… very quickly.
  • will get better
  • is getting strong
  • going to feel better
  • feels much better
I'm sorry, the next flight to Dublin is full. …… seats left at all.
  • You can only have the
  • There are no
  • All the
  • The people in the
I …… the piano when my phone rang, so I didn't hear it.
  • played
  • listened to
  • was playing
  • did play
The “o” in “women” sounds like …… .
  • the “o” in “other”
  • the “e” in “women”
  • the “i” in “machine”
  • the “a” in “made”
Find the word that is not associated with clothes.
  • size
  • tie
  • sleeve
  • comb
Who lived in the nineteenth century?
  • Queen Victoria.
  • William Shakespeare.
  • King Arthur.
  • William the Conqueror.

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The girl on the right is …… .
  • wearing a green T-shirt
  • holding a cup of coffee
  • making a cake
  • taking a picture
Behind the girl, …… .
  • there is a cupcake
  • some people are talking
  • we can see an empty table
  • four people are standing
Which group of words can be associated with the picture?
  • shirt, plate, smile
  • window, arm, sofa
  • kitchen, flower, table
  • knife, hair, cap
The opposite of “cheap” is “……”.
  • expensive
  • awful
  • huge
  • difficult
My flat is on the second …… of that building.
  • street
  • stand
  • stair
  • floor
Philip, could you …… me my glasses?
  • bring
  • take
  • carry
  • borrow
Jason is not very …… at chemistry.
  • interested
  • good
  • keen
  • work hard
Choose a name for this “family” of words: collar, tail, basket.
  • Shopping
  • Clothes
  • Dogs
  • Planes
What do you know about Jane and Mark?
  • They live in London.
  • They are going to London.
  • They live in a flat.
  • They are on holiday at the moment.
What do you know about Elizabeth?
  • Her son's name is John.
  • She is going to visit London.
  • She hasn't got any children.
  • She is coming to London alone.
Jane and Mark are writing to Elizabeth because …… .
  • she offered them a place to stay
  • there is no one to care for their cats
  • Elizabeth's cats need a new home
  • they want to sell their cats
The email tells us that …… .
  • Jane and Mark's neighbours don't like cats
  • Elizabeth has reserved hotel rooms in London
  • Jane and Mark are taking two weeks' holiday this summer
  • Elizabeth's family can stay with Jane and Mark's neighbours
“…… very cold.” “Well, put on your sweater.”
  • I have
  • I am
  • It can
  • It has
Helen …… every Saturday.
  • plays volleyball
  • is washing her hair
  • don't cook lunch
  • and Tanya are going shopping
…… many people at the swimming pool?
  • Were there
  • Did it have
  • Was it
  • Is there
It's 5 o'clock. The classrooms are empty because the students …… home at 4 o'clock.
  • are going
  • will go
  • went
  • left to
I …… scared of him since the first time I met him.
  • have been
  • am
  • was
  • been
This man is …… .
  • sitting in an armchair
  • looking in a shop window
  • lying down
  • standing on his bed
He is probably …… online.
  • chatting to his friends
  • choosing something to eat
  • listening to music
  • drawing a picture
The pizza company …… to your door.
  • delivers pizzas
  • takes pizzas away
  • makes pizzas
  • takes out pizzas
Find the list of words you can associate with the picture.
  • glasses, T-shirt, thumb
  • finger, Wi-Fi, carpet
  • ruler, sofa, tablet
  • hungry, menu, skirt
…… are associated with the USA.
  • Fish and chips
  • Black taxis
  • Hot dogs
  • Aborigines
Which city is not the capital of a country?
  • London.
  • New York City.
  • Edinburgh.
  • Dublin.
Find the true sentence.
  • The British prime minister is Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Australia is much smaller than Great Britain.
  • San Francisco is in the north east of the USA.
  • Washington, D.C. is named after the first US president.
Perhaps …… really existed. We can't be sure.
  • King Arthur
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • William Shakespeare
  • Dr Frankenstein
You want to pay in a restaurant. What can you ask?
  • “Can I have the bill, please?”
  • “How much have you got?”
  • “Is there any money left?”
  • “Where is the cash?”
Your mother has asked you to go to the post office, but it closes in half an hour. What can your mother say?
  • “Have a nice time.”
  • “You'll have to hurry.”
  • “Don't come back late.”
  • “Take your time.”
Mr and Mrs Watson are driving home when suddenly Mr Watson realises that he is lost. He explains, “……”
  • This is a bad road.
  • We mustn't go home.
  • I've taken the wrong road.
  • I miss our house.
Stephanie calls her friend Bill. Bill says, “Sorry, I can't talk now, I'm busy.” Stephanie isn't annoyed. She says, “……”
  • Hold on.
  • Never mind.
  • I don't care.
  • You're welcome.
“It looks awful but it’ll come out.” What is Jane talking about?
  • A hole in her skirt.
  • A stain on her jeans.
  • A cut on her hand.
  • Her damaged phone.
Katy is frightened by a storm. Ann says, “Don't worry. ……”
  • It'll soon be over.
  • It's a waste of time.
  • It doesn't hurt very much.
  • You can't help it.
“Phone” rhymes with “……”.
  • own
  • one
  • brown
  • moon
The “i” in “child” has the same sound as the “i” in “……”.
  • children
  • begin
  • alive
  • machine
“Passionately” = O o o o. “Photography” = …… .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
This is an article from a local newspaper. What is the subject?
  • A bakery has closed.
  • A hypermarket has just opened.
  • A new shop is going to open next Saturday.
  • A popular shop is going to close.
What does the article tell us about the Franklyns?
  • They are brother and sister.
  • Their shop is not very well known.
  • They don't like living in this town.
  • People like their bread very much.
What is not one of the reasons for the Franklyns' decision?
  • They don't have as many customers as in the past.
  • All their customers now buy their bread at the hypermarket.
  • They can't sell bread as cheaply as the hypermarket.
  • At their age, they don't want to work so hard.
Find the true sentence.
  • The Franklyns' son lives in this town.
  • Jack Franklyn isn't angry with people who shop at the hypermarket.
  • No one will be sorry that the shop is going to close.
  • The Franklyns have already sold their shop.
The …… in the post on Tuesday doesn't work.
  • lamp that you've sent
  • clock I got
  • watch that I was having
  • hairdryer which sent
Can I have some more lemonade, please? I'm ……
  • been thirsty again
  • still thirsty
  • thirsty yet
  • ever thirsty
When our teacher saw the smoke, she …… leave the classroom.
  • said that we
  • told us to
  • wanted everyone
  • will have to
The prisoner escaped and went to London where he …… by friends until the police stopped looking for him.
  • hid
  • was hiding
  • was hidden
  • has been hidden
The sign “…… the grass” means you mustn't walk on the grass.
  • Keep off
  • Go away from
  • Walk out of
  • Don't step
The “ed” of “listened” sounds like the "ed" of “……”.
  • watched
  • washed
  • amazed
  • painted
The American national anthem is called “……”.
  • Land Of The Free
  • The Stars And Stripes
  • The Star-Spangled Banner
  • Lady Liberty

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The girl on the left looks …… .
  • rather angry
  • quite embarrassed
  • extremely happy
  • very excited
She has just realised that …… .
  • she has lost her keys
  • she can't find her purse
  • she doesn't have enough cash
  • her basket is empty
Which group of words can be associated with the picture?
  • money, search, road
  • steal, pay, shop
  • queue, vegetables, impatient
  • wait, hat, shelves
The opposite of the adjective “dark” is “……”.
  • light
  • thin
  • easy
  • clean
The glass fell …… the table and broke.
  • away
  • out
  • up
  • off
How do you say the “.” in “”?
  • dot
  • period
  • point
  • stop
He's a very popular writer. He …… a lot of money from his books.
  • wins
  • earns
  • gains
  • builds
Find a name for this “family” of words: stage, curtain, dressing room.
  • A hotel room.
  • A clothes shop.
  • A theatre.
  • A swimming pool.
We know that John has …. .
  • just left university
  • never made a film before
  • been working for a film company for a month
  • not finished his studies yet
Which adjective would not be used to describe the film?
  • political
  • historical
  • biographical
  • fictional
John hopes that some of his Facebook friends will …… .
  • make speeches in a hall
  • play the main roles
  • tell him more about Mrs Pankhurst
  • take part in one scene
Find the sentence that corresponds to information in the text.
  • John needs people who can be free one evening in May.
  • Women couldn't vote in Britain in the 20th century.
  • Everyone who takes part in the film could make a lot of money.
  • John thinks the people who want to take part will enjoy themselves.
“Your sister's got a new hairstyle, …… ?”
  • isn't it
  • hasn't she
  • does she
  • has he
You really must stop …… meals. You'll get fat!
  • eating between
  • cook unhealthy
  • to have any
  • from having enormous
I want to go on holiday but I …… decided where …… .
  • never … going
  • don't … yet
  • didn't … already
  • haven't … yet
The curtains were closed so I didn't know what …… outside.
  • the weather is like
  • was happening
  • has happened
  • they doing
You'd get better results if you …… so much time watching TV.
  • aren't spending
  • didn't spend
  • haven't spent
  • don't spend
The man on the right is …… .
  • disappointed
  • upset
  • delighted
  • desperate
The man on the left …… .
  • has got his arms crossed
  • is sitting on the edge of the table
  • is staring at the screen
  • can't bear to watch
You ask the man on the right if he is enjoying the match. He says, “….”
  • You bet!
  • No way!
  • I can't stand it!
  • It's really awful!
Which group of words can be associated with the picture?
  • bowl, supporter, cushion
  • team, goal, parcel
  • glasses, exciting, kneel
  • ceiling, score, lose
…… was a British politician.
  • Winston Churchill
  • Agatha Christie
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • George Washington
…… is the largest country where English is an official language.
  • The United States
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • India
Which American holiday celebrates an event that took place in 1776?
  • Independence Day.
  • Thanksgiving.
  • Labor Day.
  • Martin Luther King Day.
Complete the list: Miami/Florida, Dallas/Texas, Las Vegas/…… .
  • Nevada
  • Colorado
  • Oklahoma
  • Arizona
Ann replies to Ian, “You're welcome”. What did he say first?
  • “Thank you.”
  • “What a beautiful dress!”
  • “Please come in.”
  • “I'm very sorry.”
A man says to a woman, “It's your go”. What is the situation?
  • They're playing a game – chess, for example.
  • They're at the station and the woman's train is leaving soon.
  • It's late and the man thinks the woman should go to bed now.
  • They are in a car, stopped at the traffic lights. The lights have turned green.
Kate wants to buy an ice-cream maker. It's expensive and she probably won’t use it often. What can you say to her?
  • “Don't save your money.”
  • “It's a waste of money.”
  • “You'll never regret buying it.”
  • “It's a bargain.”
Alex offers to carry your suitcase. How can you refuse politely?
  • “Thanks, but I can manage.”
  • “No, thank you. I really don't care.”
  • “I'd be very grateful.”
  • “I don't mind if you do.”
Linda says, “Rob gives me the creeps.” What does she mean?
  • Rob always compliments her and makes her feel wonderful.
  • She thinks Rob is strange and a bit scary.
  • Rob buys her a lot of very expensive presents.
  • Rob makes her laugh a lot because he makes a lot of jokes.
Mike thinks Carla is really irritating. How can he describe his feelings for her?
  • “I'm mad about her.”
  • “I really fancy her.”
  • “She winds me up.”
  • “When I see her, I go weak at the knees.”
Complete the list: deer, here, near, …… .
  • bear
  • pear
  • where
  • fear
The “th” in “thirteen” has the same sound as the “th” in “……”.
  • earth
  • although
  • rather
  • clothes
“Impossible” = o O o o. “Independence” = …… .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
The blogger is writing about …… .
  • a book he or she has just read
  • a story about a farmer and his son
  • a novel by an unknown writer
  • the first novel by a new author
What do we know about Sandy?
  • Her mother's death changed her father.
  • Her father left home after a family tragedy.
  • She lives in a city.
  • She is popular.
What do we know about Jason?
  • He has run away.
  • He met people from another state.
  • His abductors are from another planet.
  • Sandy is his only friend.
Find the sentence about Greenaway that isn't true.
  • He didn't intend the book to be funny.
  • People who like his books enjoy romantic fiction.
  • In this book, his usual readers won't find what they're expecting.
  • He wrote this high-school romance because his other books aren't successful.
Before air travel became cheaper, …… to be so many tourists here.
  • it wasn't able
  • there didn't use
  • I didn't notice
  • it hasn't had
I knew he was a burglar because I saw …… in through the window.
  • him climb
  • him to enter
  • he's getting
  • that he's climbed
The doctor told David's mother that she couldn't …… until he was 12 months old.
  • get David to have been vaccinated
  • have vaccinated David
  • have been vaccinating David
  • have David vaccinated
It's time ……, my boy,” said John's mother.
  • you learn to cook
  • you learned how to cook
  • that you're learning cooking
  • you've been learning to cook
Find the equivalent of the expression “They get on like a house on fire”.
  • They have become good friends quickly.
  • They argue frequently.
  • They are fast workers.
  • They talk loudly in public.
Spray your plants with this product and it will …… any insects.
  • remove them from
  • make ends of
  • rid them of
  • keep them off from
Find the true sentence.
  • Shakespeare lived in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • The USA abolished slavery in 1776.
  • Yorkshire pudding is a dessert.
  • The US president is a Democrat.

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