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  • Kevin Black.
  • Yes, please.
  • Twelve.
  • England.
  • I'm fine.
  • I love it.
  • I'm Rosie.
  • Yes, please.
  • It's my mother.
  • He's at home.
  • It's a man.
  • A living-room.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Where's the bed?
  • Where's the girl?
  • Is it a bed?
  • What is it?
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Eleven
  • Twelve
  • Fifteen
  • Ten
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Yes, it is.
  • Yes, it's a phone.
  • No, I'm not.
  • No, it's my phone.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A garden.
  • A kitchen.
  • A table.
  • A door.
  • In a café.
  • In the street.
  • In a school.
  • In a supermarket.
  • White
  • Blue
  • Orange
  • Red
  • No, it isn't.
  • It's there.
  • Yes, there is.
  • Yes, it is.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • a river, flowers, bread
  • the sky, trees, snow
  • the sea, boats, glue
  • a bridge, hills, clouds
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Yes, I go to school.
  • No, you aren't.
  • No, I'm staying at home.
  • No, I don't go to school.
Listen. What day is it tomorrow?
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
Listen to the phone conversation. What's the man's name?
  • Jilray
  • Gilray
  • Gelary
  • Gilrew
Listen to the conversation. Where are they?
  • At the man's home.
  • At a travel agency.
  • In a restaurant.
  • In the woman's kitchen.
Listen to the conversation. What can the woman say now?
  • You're fine.
  • What's wrong?
  • Are you right?
  • I don't know.
Listen to a woman and her daughter. What can the woman say now?
  • Enjoy your trip!
  • Don't forget to write!
  • Have a nice time!
  • You’re welcome.
  • What does it say?
  • What's it about?
  • Do you like it?
  • How does it work?
Listen to Tom. He's at work. What's his job?
  • He's a pilot.
  • He works in a cinema.
  • He gives information in a railway station.
  • He sells computer games.
Listen. What's the word?
  • peas
  • police
  • piece
  • please
Listen and find the word that rhymes.
  • pays
  • face
  • says
  • keys
Listen. What three words can you hear?
  • hand, here, fun
  • hand, ear, phone
  • ham, hear, phone
  • and, her, fun
  • Liverpool
  • Dublin
  • London
  • Edinburgh
  • The Underground
  • The London Eye
  • The River Thames
  • Piccadilly Circus
My brother and sister …… in the kitchen.
  • is
  • am
  • are
  • have
…… eat your spaghetti with your fingers!
  • Don't
  • You are
  • Are you
  • Not
I …… a new phone.
  • have got
  • has got
  • am
  • has
…… go to the cinema this evening?
  • Is he
  • Can we
  • Want you
  • I like
We …… up at about 10 o'clock on Sunday mornings.
  • usually get
  • have never
  • not wake
  • sometimes gets
I've got some money in my purse, but ...... .
  • I can't say how many
  • I don't know how much
  • there aren't a lot
  • they don't make a lot
Jennifer Freeman is Paula's ...... .
  • daughter
  • mother
  • sister
  • aunt
Paula and John Harris ...... .
  • live on a farm
  • are in hospital
  • live in London
  • are very bored
John and Paula's children ...... .
  • can't visit their parents very often
  • see their grandparents almost every day
  • aren't having fun in London at the moment
  • always stay in London in the summer
Find the true sentence.
  • Paula's children can do some of the jobs on the farm.
  • The children are probably going to spend a month in the country.
  • Paula wants to know if her parents can come to London.
  • Paula is worried because her mother is in hospital.
“Something for Everyone” is the name of ...... .
  • an old shop
  • a book
  • a new TV series
  • a film
The text is about ...... .
  • a TV series that everyone can watch
  • the star of a new TV series
  • a TV programme just for teenagers
  • a popular TV programme
Jack …… present for his father.
  • hasn't got time to look for a
  • can't find the right birthday
  • doesn't want to buy
  • wants to buy an expensive
Old and New...... .
  • only sells gifts for tourists
  • is a large, modern store
  • is not bright and clean inside
  • has got lots of things in the window
Find the true sentence.
  • Jack goes into the shop because it looks interesting.
  • Jack finds Old and New the day before his birthday.
  • The old man says he is sure that Jack can find something he likes in the shop.
  • There's nothing in the window of Old and New.
When people have a traditional English breakfast, they often eat ...... .
  • tea
  • roast beef
  • bacon and eggs
  • apple pie
…… is a famous man from the 20th century.
  • William the Conqueror
  • King Arthur
  • Queen Victoria
  • Winston Churchill
At almost every school in England, students have a …… time in the morning, between classes.
  • pause
  • free
  • break
  • snack
Olivia normally …… bus to school, but today is different – ...... .
  • takes a … she goes by train
  • isn't taking the … she's walking
  • takes the … she's going on foot
  • doesn't go by … she takes the bus
Find the word that is NOT part of the human body.
  • chest
  • heart
  • sink
  • ankle
Which pair of words has the same vowel sound?
  • love/soft
  • straight/send
  • break/pear
  • some/once
The flag of the United Kingdom is called the …… flag.
  • Union
  • Four Countries
  • Windsor
  • Three Cross

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  • I'm Rose.
  • I'm twelve.
  • I'm fine.
  • Yes, I am.
  • Yes, it is.
  • No, thank you.
  • Yes, it's my pen.
  • Yes, it's your book.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • In the schoolbag.
  • On top of the books.
  • Under the pencils.
  • Behind the apple.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Listen to the conversation. What's the name of the park?
  • Elgonkuin
  • Eljonquin
  • Algonquin
  • Algonkwin
  • Yes, they are.
  • They're working.
  • It's difficult.
  • She's studying.
  • 930
  • 903
  • 913
  • 933
  • Sunday
  • Saturday
  • Friday
  • Monday
  • He likes swimming.
  • He's talking to a customer.
  • He works in a shop.
  • He's at work.
  • A phone.
  • A grey sweater.
  • A map.
  • A train.
  • He's touching a girl's face.
  • He's next to a girl with a hat.
  • He's standing between two women.
  • One of his hands is on the table.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Just a few.
  • Yes, I can.
  • There isn't a lot.
  • No, there aren't.
  • Because it's a film for children.
  • Because all the actors are awful.
  • Because the actors are very good.
  • Because she likes one of the actors.
  • sand, drawer, match
  • ball, jump, stick
  • score, kick, team
  • brake, run, win
Listen to the phone conversation. What can the woman say now?
  • I'm not very busy.
  • I'm free at the moment.
  • Call me tomorrow.
  • What can we talk about?
Listen. What can you say about Scamp, the dog?
  • He's frightened.
  • He's dangerous.
  • He's very friendly.
  • He doesn't like Max.
  • Way out
  • Entrance
  • Private
  • Keep out
  • No, nothing else, thank you.
  • Yes, something different, please.
  • Yes, that's enough.
  • No thanks, I never eat cake.
Listen to William and his grandmother. What can William say now?
  • Don't worry!
  • You never lose.
  • Look out!
  • It's a mistake.
Mrs Johnson is at home. Listen to a conversation between her and her neighbour. What are they talking about?
  • A piece of cheese in the fridge.
  • A dress that the woman bought in 1990.
  • The woman's passport
  • An old food mixer.
Listen to the phone conversation. The “buzz” covers the woman's second question. What is the question?
  • Are you enjoying your holiday?
  • Are you watching the new TV series about zombies?
  • Is the weather still terrible where you are?
  • Did your dog get better quickly after the accident?
Listen. What's the word?
  • bored
  • beard
  • bird
  • bad
Listen and find the word that rhymes.
  • price
  • lies
  • noise
  • says
Listen. What three words can you hear?
  • sad, soon, boat
  • said, sun, about
  • said, soon, bought
  • sad, sun, boot
  • Primary school
  • Secondary school
  • Nursery
  • Pre-school
  • Trafalgar
  • Victoria
  • Waterloo
  • Hastings
There …… 6 children in the football team.
  • is
  • are
  • have
  • some
Kirsty often …… a sandwich for lunch.
  • doesn’t
  • has
  • eating
  • buy
We …… to win our next match.
  • like
  • can
  • are going
  • must
“When did …… the text message?” “Last night.”
  • she wrote
  • send her
  • he got
  • you send
I think the first "Star Wars" film was …… than the second one.
  • better
  • more
  • good
  • as good
He'll miss the meeting if his plane …… time.
  • doesn't leave on
  • will leave after
  • won't leave here in
  • makes a late
Anna is writing to her ..... .
  • mother
  • sister
  • daughter
  • aunt
What do we know about Anna from the email?
  • She lives in Toronto.
  • She recently moved into a new house.
  • She works in a café.
  • Her children are unhappy at school.
What do we know about the café?
  • It is very near a castle.
  • It sells fish and chips.
  • It was a big success when it opened.
  • People who visit the castle never come to the café.
Find the true sentence.
  • There weren't many customers at the café in the summer.
  • Peter is one of the café’s customers.
  • Anna’s cakes are unpopular.
  • There were more customers after a newspaper article.
Who is the night visitor?
  • A policewoman.
  • A cat.
  • A criminal.
  • A fox.
What do you know about Kate?
  • She lives in London.
  • She never does her shopping late at night.
  • She goes to work by car.
  • She hasn't got any pets.
When was Kate in her bedroom, she ...... .
  • saw a fox
  • dropped her shopping
  • heard a noise downstairs
  • ate a sausage
When Kate saw the fox, she ..... .
  • wasn't surprised because people sometimes see foxes at night
  • was shocked because she didn't know foxes came into houses
  • was frightened because foxes can be dangerous
  • wasn't angry, although it was eating a sausage
Find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • The fox got into the kitchen and ate a sausage when Kate was out.
  • It takes Kate less than an hour to drive to and from work.
  • Kate doesn't usually wear her uniform at home.
  • Kate forgot to close her kitchen window.
Find the picture of the Houses of Parliament in London.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
There are two main political parties in England: the Labour party and the …… party.
  • Socialist
  • Conservative
  • Democratic
  • Liberal
This photo shows part of a huge national park in the north west of England. It is famous for its lakes, forests and mountains. What's it called?
  • The Lake District
  • Sherwood Forest
  • Queen's Park
  • Snowdonia
No one heard the alarm at first because ..... . But then we all saw the smoke and ran to the exit.
  • everyone was talking
  • the music wasn't very loud
  • we listened to the music
  • we talked very loudly
How …… from London to Manchester by plane?
  • long does it take to go
  • much will be the trip
  • does the trip cost
  • long lasts the journey
The “u” in “computer” sounds like ..... .
  • the “ue” in “true”
  • the “iew” in “view”
  • the “ew” in “grew”
  • the “oo” in “food”
If you want to see the Crown Jewels in London, you must visit ..... .
  • Buckingham Palace
  • the British Museum
  • the Tower of London
  • 10 Downing Street

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  • I'm very well.
  • It's very nice.
  • I'm almost sixteen.
  • Yes, I am.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • It's under a book.
  • It's behind the red book.
  • It's in front of the pens and pencils.
  • It's on top of the blue book.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • James is Peter's brother.
  • James is Patrick's uncle.
  • James is Patrick's nephew.
  • James is Teresa's father.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • £15.19
  • £15.90
  • £50.90
  • £50.19
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • English
  • I think it is.
  • I'm right.
  • So do I.
  • So am I.
  • Please ask him to call me.
  • Can I speak to him please?
  • I'm sorry. I've got the wrong number.
  • Is he very busy?
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • mushroom
  • vegetable
  • grape
  • garlic
  • £12.79
  • £12.99
  • £13.49
  • £13.99
  • She opened the car door because she saw the cyclist.
  • She had an accident because she was on the phone.
  • She opened her car door and almost caused an accident.
  • She got out of her car to answer the phone.
  • A lost dog.
  • A headache.
  • A gang of criminals.
  • The rain.
  • A royal wedding.
  • The final metres of a horse race.
  • The final seconds of a 400-metre race.
  • The landing of a space capsule.
  • Ben has never won when he's played against Patrick before.
  • Ben has lost his tennis match against Patrick.
  • Patrick has won all the matches up to now.
  • When Ben and Patrick play, Patrick always wins.
  • Dylan wants Cindy to be his girlfriend again.
  • Dylan is going to go to Cindy's house as soon as he can.
  • Dylan is watching a film. He's going to phone Cindy when the film ends.
  • Cindy lent Dylan some money. Dylan is promising to repay it.
Listen to a shop assistant talking to a customer. What can the customer say now?
  • You’re welcome.
  • Help yourself!
  • I'm just looking.
  • Yes, no problem.
  • He can't make any muffins.
  • He hasn't got any eggs.
  • He can only make one chocolate muffin.
  • He can't make as many muffins as he wanted.
Listen to the conversation. What can you say about the girl?
  • She's swimming in the sea.
  • She's standing outside and it's snowing.
  • She's drinking tea, even though it's not very hot.
  • Her flat gets too hot in the summer.
  • Does it suit me?
  • Can I put it on, please?
  • Does the coat fit?
  • Do my feet look too small?
Listen. Tom is talking to his mother. What can his mother say now?
  • I don't think he'll mind.
  • He won't be in a hurry.
  • It isn't his fault.
  • There won't be any mess.
Listen. Emma is looking at something on a shelf in the bathroom. She's talking to her mother. What can her mother say now?
  • I didn't earn anything.
  • It was a waste of money.
  • I've saved a lot of money.
  • I'm glad I didn't spend much money.
Listen to the conversation between Jason and his mother and find the true sentence.
  • Jason has painted the living-room walls white.
  • Jason found some blue paint in the garage.
  • Jason has used the wrong paint on the kitchen walls.
  • The blue paint for the living-room is in the kitchen.
Listen. What's the word?
  • shoes
  • shows
  • chose
  • choose
Listen and find the word that rhymes.
  • lights
  • eyes
  • twice
  • these
Listen. What three words can you hear?
  • career, race, type
  • carrier, race, tape
  • Korea, rice, tape
  • career, rise, type
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Los Angeles
  • Alaska
  • The North
  • The South
  • The Confederates
  • The Democrats
We're having spaghetti for lunch ..... .
  • on Fridays
  • last night
  • every Monday
  • today
I …… usually …… TV. I prefer reading.
  • don't … watch
  • am not … watching
  • not … watch
  • haven't … watch
My brother drives too fast. If he …… more careful, he'll have an accident one day.
  • will be
  • can be
  • won't be
  • isn't
…… read the washing instructions before he washed his jacket?
  • Doesn't Jack
  • Can't your father
  • Why didn't he
  • Must the man
“I love your bracelet. …… a long time?”
“No, I bought it last week.”
  • Did you buy it since
  • Have you had it for
  • Do you wear it for
  • Are you getting it
When Fiona said the printer didn't work, I told …… sure it was connected to the computer.
  • was she
  • that she had to be
  • her to make
  • to her if she was
The head teacher is writing to ..... .
  • Damian
  • Damian’s English teacher
  • Damian’s parents
  • Damian’s swimming coach
Damian ..... .
  • is good at English
  • doesn't speak English at all
  • is a good swimmer
  • is at university
Helena Richardson is writing because ..... .
  • Damian is doing very well at school
  • she thinks Damian must speak English, not Polish, at home
  • Damian is having problems in English
  • she doesn't think Damian can go to university
Find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • Damian has been at Heathcliff for less than three years.
  • Damian doesn't speak English all the time.
  • Damian is 16 or 17 years old.
  • Damian isn't clever enough to go to university.
“Inspector Harding” is ..... .
  • a TV programme
  • a radio play
  • a documentary
  • a talk show
Jessica ..... .
  • has left school and wants to be an actor
  • was on television last weekend
  • is going to be on television soon
  • had a wonderful dream this weekend
What can you say about Jessica's experience this weekend?
  • It was her first experience as an actor in a television series.
  • She was disappointed because she didn't have a big part.
  • It was difficult at the beginning because no one helped her.
  • She enjoyed it, but she had a difficult part to play.
What does Jessica tell us about Carrie?
  • She is an important character in “Inspector Harding”.
  • Her parents wanted her to leave home.
  • In real life, Jessica looks very different from her.
  • Apart from her age, she isn't like Jessica at all.
Find the sentence that corresponds to what Jessica tells us.
  • Mr Chasen told his brother he had to see Jessica in a play.
  • Jessica got the part of Carrie because a TV producer saw her in a play.
  • Jessica thanks Mr Chasen because he's a good drama teacher.
  • The producer gave Jessica a part when he spoke to her immediately after the school play.
The objects in Picture A make a noise when you pull them and there is a small gift inside. Picture B shows thin, salty biscuits. Both are called ..... .
  • snaps
  • cookies
  • crackers
  • crisps
Find the true sentence.
  • The Republic of Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.
  • There are 50 stars on the American flag.
  • Thanksgiving is a public holiday in England.
  • Soccer is another name for American football.
Which country or territory was ruled by Britain until 1947?
  • Gibraltar
  • Hong Kong
  • Australia
  • India
…… is the hero of over 20 films. He is based on a character created by Ian Fleming in his books.
  • Superman
  • Dracula
  • James Bond
  • Sherlock Holmes
“Why isn't Jimmy playing in the match?”
“He's got a cold. He wanted to play today but he …… by his mum since he became ill.”
  • isn't allowed to go out
  • was told to stay in bed
  • has been kept at home
  • has had to stop playing football
Find the pair of words that contains the same vowel sound. For example: raining/later.
  • different, between
  • hotel, forty
  • power, growing
  • nicer, princess
“Deal”, “spades” and “deck” are all associated with ..... .
  • card games
  • gardening
  • sailing
  • business

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  • Marjorie Hamilton.
  • Marjorie.
  • Hamilton.
  • Yes, it is.
  • She's very well.
  • Almost fifteen.
  • Nearly 40.
  • She's in hospital.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • We're open
  • Gas
  • Tropical bar
  • We're closed
  • 7.30
  • 8.05
  • 7.00
  • 7.35
  • Is this the only colour you have?
  • Would you like a cheaper shirt?
  • How much is this one?
  • How many do you want?
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • It doesn't matter.
  • I don't mind.
  • You're welcome.
  • It means nothing.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Twice.
  • I'm going to stay all day.
  • Since 3 o'clock.
  • For about half an hour.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Chips
  • An omelette
  • Sausages
  • Fried fish
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • Drive-In
  • DIY (= Do It Yourself)
  • Shop & Drop
  • Click & Collect
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Listen to the conversation. What can the boy say now?
  • I don't believe a word of it.
  • I didn't really want to go anyway.
  • I was looking forward to it.
  • I can't help it.
Listen to the conversation in a restaurant. How does the woman feel?
  • Embarrassed
  • Amazed
  • Furious
  • Jealous
  • It's not up to me.
  • I'm fed up.
  • I can't carry on.
  • I've run out.
  • She's become very fussy.
  • She can't make up her mind.
  • She's very messy.
  • She wants her mother to make decisions for her.
Listen to the conversation in a clothes shop. What does the woman think about the piece of clothing they're looking at?
  • It's very good value for money.
  • It looks different from anything I've ever seen.
  • It's extremely old-fashioned.
  • I can't imagine why anyone would buy it.
Listen to William and Ellie. What else can William say now?
  • Don't do that! He doesn't deserve your sympathy.
  • Calm down! Don't be too angry with him.
  • Don't lend him any more money!
  • You mustn't apologise! It was his fault, not yours.
Listen. What's Diana's problem?
  • Her family members always argue with each other.
  • She feels tired all the time and can't do her job properly.
  • She's lonely because she doesn't meet her friends very often.
  • She doesn't have enough money.
Listen, and find the word that rhymes with the word you hear.
  • sends
  • pens
  • fence
  • gains
Listen and find the word with the same two vowel sounds.
  • fever
  • ended
  • record
  • pleasure
Listen. Which group of words can you hear?
  • live in rain
  • living rainforests
  • rain for it's not
  • nothing mountainous
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Harry Truman
  • George Washington
  • Richard Nixon
  • Edinburgh Castle
  • Windsor Castle
  • Dover Castle
  • The Tower of London
Bill was upset because the plane was full and he …… to get a seat.
  • can't
  • wasn't able
  • didn't have
  • mustn't
…… the fire start in the factory last week?
  • Who was
  • Why are
  • How did
  • Where has
The hotel looked familiar. I remembered …… there once with my parents.
  • I've stayed
  • staying
  • to have been
  • to stay
I'd come and see you more often if it …… take so long to get there.
  • didn't
  • wouldn't
  • won't
  • couldn't
Is that the bell for the end of the lesson? Already? Good heavens! I had no idea what …… .
  • time it was
  • the time is
  • is the time
  • was the time
When Diana started the course, her work was excellent, but now she's started making silly mistakes. She …… be so careless.
  • never used to
  • wasn't used to
  • couldn't still
  • has to try not
The text is part of …… .
  • an online diary
  • a letter to a friend
  • an essay
  • an email
We know that Dave …… .
  • enjoys musicals
  • has asked Lisa out before
  • accepted Lisa’s invitation on Friday
  • doesn’t think Lisa likes James
What can you say about the make-up and the hat?
  • Neither of them was able to cover the spot.
  • The make-up didn't match the colour of Dave's skin and the hat didn't fit.
  • Both of them managed to hide the spot but they were the wrong colour.
  • The make-up covered the spot, but the hat didn't.
What do we know from the information in the blog?
  • Dave doesn't mind very much about the way he looks.
  • Lisa and Dave arranged to meet at the cinema on Saturday.
  • Even though Dave looked ridiculous, Lisa went out with him.
  • Dave didn't take his hat off in front of Lisa so she never saw the spot.
Anne Boleyn …… .
  • was a queen of England
  • was born in the mid-15th century
  • died in 1533
  • wasn't very attractive
The extract is from a book about …… .
  • 15th century England
  • famous criminals
  • things to see in London
  • ghosts
What does the text tell us about Henry VIII?
  • He only had one child.
  • He definitely thought Anne was a criminal.
  • His first wife died before 1533.
  • He had at least three wives.
From the text, what do we know about Anne?
  • After her first child, Anne couldn't have any more children.
  • Anne's ghost has been seen in only two places.
  • Anne was probably not guilty of the crimes she was accused of.
  • We know for certain where Anne was born and where she died.
Find the sentence that corresponds to information in the text.
  • Henry thought Anne's life was less important than having a son.
  • When Anne's ghost appears at Blickling Hall, she is carrying her coachman's head.
  • Anne's ghost rides into Blickling Hall on 19th May every year.
  • After Anne died, Henry soon fell in love with someone else.
…… is an American city on the Mississippi river. It is famous for its river boats, its French quarter, and for being the city where jazz began.
  • Miami
  • Memphis
  • New Orleans
  • Nashville
One of the most popular sandwiches in America – especially with children – is …… and jelly (jelly = fruit jam).
  • salami
  • Swiss cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • peanut butter
All English children learn about …… in history class. It was the last time that a foreign country tried to invade England by sea. The attempted invasion – by a huge army on board 130 ships – took place in 1588.
  • The Norman Conquest
  • The Battle of Trafalgar
  • The Spanish Armada
  • The Gunpowder Plot
When Ralph went on holiday he …… his dogs …… by his parents.
  • got … for looking after
  • made … to be looked after
  • had … taken care of
  • left … to care for
If you “get the wrong end of the stick”, it probably means you are upset because, for example, …… .
  • you think someone is insulting you but you have misunderstood
  • you have had to pay a lot more than you expected for something
  • someone is blaming you for something you didn't do
  • you find you can't do something that you wanted to do
Find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • More people live in New York City than in New Zealand.
  • The tallest building in the western hemisphere is in the USA.
  • Canada is larger than the USA.
  • Wales is smaller than Northern Ireland.
His ambition to become a doctor suffered a severe …… when he failed his exams.
  • comeback
  • setback
  • flashback
  • cutback

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