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On a sunny day, the …… is blue.
  • grass
  • snow
  • sky
  • meat
In the picture, there are two …… on the table.
  • glasses
  • flowers
  • people
  • bread
Mrs Harper wants to go to bed now because she's very …… .
  • tall
  • tired
  • thirsty
  • small
Find the list of words you can use to describe this picture.
  • chair, toys, banana
  • window, field, orange
  • sofa, bear, clock
  • plate, desk, car
  • Ireland
  • England
  • Wales
  • Scotland
  • Big Ben.
  • Buckingham Palace.
  • The Tower of London.
  • The London Eye.
Listen. What can you say to Kevin?
  • “Is he very ill?”
  • “That's nice.”
  • “I'm happy for you.”
  • “I'm sorry.”
Listen. What can William say to Fiona?
  • “See you tomorrow.”
  • “Have a nice time.”
  • “You're welcome.”
  • “Good luck.”
This is a picture of …… .
  • boys and girls at school
  • a busy street
  • a girl and her mother
  • an English house
The girl on the left has got …… .
  • short brown hair
  • long blonde hair
  • a white shirt
  • a book in her hand
The boy next to the girl on the left is …… .
  • not wearing a tie
  • looking at his computer
  • smiling at us
  • not very happy
This is from a school website. Find the right title for the text.
  • A Holiday Job
  • A Weekend in the Country
  • Summer by the Sea
  • Strawberries Jam
Tom helps on the farm because …… .
  • he loves strawberries
  • it's fun and he can make some money
  • he doesn't like hard work
  • his aunt and uncle don't pay him
Students who work on the farm in the summer …… .
  • must work 6 hours a day
  • must be under 14
  • can work for just an hour a day
  • must work for a full day
If you work a whole day on the farm, …… .
  • they pay you for six hours' work
  • you can have lunch in a café
  • Tom's aunt and uncle give you lunch
  • you can't start before 9am
Listen. Where are they?
  • In the bathroom.
  • On a ship.
  • In a park.
  • In the school cafeteria.
Listen. What time is it?
  • It's 8.50 in the evening.
  • It's bedtime.
  • It's 8.15 in the morning.
  • It's 7.45 in the morning.
Listen to the conversation at a restaurant. The man is asking Jennifer Hobson a question. What can she answer?
  • “Jennifer.”
  • “Hobson.”
  • “Jenny.”
  • “Jennifer Hobson.”
Listen. What can you say about the man and the woman?
  • They're driving and they're lost.
  • They've got problems with a new TV.
  • They're playing a card game.
  • They're learning to dance.
The dogs …… in the garden.
  • is
  • are
  • have
  • am
My maths teacher's …… .
  • are in the playground
  • work very hard
  • got a new car
  • not today
Ugh! I …… eat this cake. It's horrible!
  • don't like
  • can't
  • hate
  • not want
George …… to bed late on Saturdays.
  • is often
  • sometimes goes
  • makes
  • never has
Sarah usually …… at 8 o'clock.
  • is getting up
  • has breakfast
  • has got dinner
  • having a cup of tea
“What …… they ……?” “A horror film.”
  • are …… watching
  • are …… frightening
  • do …… look at
  • can …… have on
Listen. This word rhymes with “……”.
  • there
  • near
  • her
  • fire
Listen. What word or words do you hear?
  • what is
  • watches
  • washes
  • want his
Listen and complete the “family” of words.
  • face
  • jumper
  • river
  • find
  • Bacon and eggs.
  • Ham and cheese.
  • Fish and chips.
  • Roast beef.
In Britain, the day before the 25th of December is called …… .
  • Christmas Night
  • Boxing Day
  • Christmas Eve
  • Saint Nicholas
Red + white = ……
  • grey
  • yellow
  • pink
  • black
When the traffic …… are red, you must stop.
  • lights
  • colours
  • stops
  • streets
This …… means you can't walk on the grass.
  • show
  • letter
  • sign
  • poster
I don't understand all the controls on this machine. For example, the blue buttons. What ……?
  • do they make
  • does happen
  • are they for
  • can I do them
  • “This is the right way.”
  • “Perhaps it's too dark.”
  • “Is this my size?”
  • “I really like it here.”
Listen. What can the teacher say to the children?
  • “Don't stop!”
  • “Be quiet!”
  • “Wake up!”
  • “Don't talk fast!”
  • “Can I give you a lift, Jimmy?”
  • “Would you like to ride it, Jimmy?”
  • “Do you want to get on, Jimmy?”
  • “I can stay with you, Jimmy.”
Find the right title for this picture.
  • A Walk in the Forest
  • A Ride in the Park
  • A Difficult Match
  • Winning the Race
Listen. What is the woman talking about?
  • Her new computer.
  • Her new car.
  • Her new bed.
  • Her new dress.
Listen. What can the girl say to Tom now?
  • “Let's go and have a look at the office.”
  • “You must read it. It's excellent.”
  • “There's pizza if you prefer.”
  • “It's by a very famous painter.”
Listen. These pairs of words sound similar, but not exactly the same. Find another pair of words that do NOT sound the same.
  • for, four
  • cold, called
  • there, their
  • meet, meat
Find the word that is NOT associated with music.
  • drum
  • hill
  • keyboard
  • single
Helen …… her teeth …… day.
  • brushes …… twice a
  • is brushing …… once every
  • cleans …… on every
  • must clean …… three times at a
Listen to Ryan and his geography teacher and find the true sentence.
  • Ryan wants to go home because he's got a headache.
  • Ryan isn't going to go home before the test.
  • Ryan's geography teacher is going to give him a test.
  • Ryan doesn't usually get headaches. This is the first time.
It's in south-west England and it's very old. What is it?
  • Stonehenge.
  • Loch Ness.
  • Cambridge University.
  • Dover Castle.

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The man on the right is 1.90 m. He's very …… !
  • high
  • tall
  • short
  • small
This is a photo of …… .
  • two teenagers in a city street
  • a brother and sister in the kitchen
  • two boys at a bus stop
  • children at the beach
There's a cat on the …… of the living room.
  • ceiling
  • sofa
  • floor
  • wall
This sign tells you that the emergency …… is downstairs.
  • run
  • motorway
  • leaving
  • exit
  • Rice pudding.
  • Chicken pie.
  • Pork and beans.
  • Fish and chips.
  • Red.
  • White.
  • Black.
  • Yellow.
Listen. What is Mr Wilson going to say to the dog?
  • “Go away!”
  • “Come in!”
  • “Shut up!”
  • “Get up!”
Listen. What can you say to Christine?
  • “Why are you angry?”
  • “Where did you go?”
  • “Don't talk so loudly!”
  • “What's the matter?”
Behind the black book there is …… .
  • a red purse
  • a beach bag
  • a pair of sunglasses
  • a pair of shoes
These are Carla's things. She's going …… holiday tomorrow.
  • to
  • on
  • in
  • for a
Find the things that Carla is probably going to take with her.
  • a passport, a toothbrush, a swimsuit
  • sun cream, showers, perfume
  • shorts, T-shirts, inches
  • sandals, mice, dresses
This is from Maggie's diary. Maggie and Rachel …… .
  • live in the same house
  • are brother and sister
  • are friends
  • are mother and daughter
Maggie …… “13 Going On 30” …… .
  • thought …… was terrible
  • thought …… was very good
  • didn't like …… at all
  • didn't think …… was good
On Sunday evening, Rachel and Maggie watched …… .
  • a romantic comedy at the cinema
  • a fantasy movie about a young girl
  • a comedy about a woman who wants to be younger
  • a reality TV show
Jenna makes a wish because she …… .
  • would like to be more intelligent
  • wants to escape from all the problems that teenagers have
  • doesn't have a good job in New York
  • thinks that adults don't have enough problems
Listen. What question did the woman originally ask?
  • “How old are you?”
  • “What time is it?”
  • “How much do you want?”
  • “How many have you got?”
Listen. What can the woman say now?
  • “Yes, we do. Very much.”
  • “Very cold and windy.”
  • “Lovely, and very near the beach.”
  • “A little tired after the trip.”
Listen. Billy is learning …… .
  • karate
  • to be a ballet dancer
  • to play the piano
  • to ski
Listen. What did Frank finish this morning?
  • A birthday cake.
  • A model plane.
  • A pair of socks
  • A painting.
There …… people in this shop. It's empty.
  • have got
  • are some
  • isn't
  • aren't any
Harry …… to school today. He's ill.
  • isn't going
  • can't work
  • don't go
  • isn't
On Monday, Kylie …… an email to Peter but he didn't answer.
  • is writing
  • sent
  • must write
  • gets
Jack's sister is more …… he is.
  • shorter than
  • prettier than
  • intelligent as
  • popular than
This man is thinking, “…… did …… my keys? I can't remember.”
  • How … I do with
  • Where … I leave
  • Why … my wife left
  • What … I forget
Lois …… in her office when, suddenly, Superman flew in through the window.
  • worked
  • went to work
  • was working
  • works hard
Listen. What's the word?
  • let
  • light
  • late
  • lot
Listen. Which word contains the same vowel sound?
  • looked
  • bookshop
  • choosing
  • woman
Listen. Which word is the man going to say now?
  • dark
  • hot
  • dirty
  • short
  • Winston Churchill.
  • William Shakespeare.
  • Charlie Chaplin.
  • Guy Fawkes.
  • Liverpool.
  • Bristol.
  • Manchester.
  • Oxford.
There are some coffee cups in this …… .
  • fridge
  • bottle
  • cupboard
  • watch
Before you go to school, you must …… your things in your schoolbag.
  • put
  • write
  • run
  • cut
In a London shop, you buy something that costs 99p. What does “p” mean?
  • pounds
  • prize
  • pence
  • price
…… lovely flowers you've got in your garden!
  • Those
  • What
  • How
  • Whose
  • “Enjoy your meal.”
  • “Here is your bill.”
  • “Have a nice trip.”
  • “Come back soon.”
  • “I never worry.”
  • “Please excuse me.”
  • “Never mind.”
  • “What a pity.”
Listen. What are you doing?
  • Buying something online.
  • Doing a maths test.
  • Shopping in a supermarket.
  • Looking at the instructions for making a cake.
Find the list of words you can use to describe this picture.
  • match, socks, lorry
  • team, grass, spectators
  • fans, spoon, game
  • factory, players, stadium
Listen to the conversation in a clothes shop. What else can the man say?
  • “I'm afraid it doesn't fit.”
  • “It isn't cheap enough.”
  • “I can't put it on.”
  • “I'm sorry but I need a larger size.”
Listen and find the true sentence.
  • There were lots of spelling mistakes in Jamie's essay.
  • Jamie's essay wasn't long enough and there were a few spelling mistakes.
  • Jamie had to write about one city in the future.
  • Jamie never gets good marks for his essays.
Listen. Complete this “family” of words.
  • famous
  • stone
  • sun
  • theatre
Soldiers wear uniforms and ……. .
  • sailors are too
  • so do most security guards
  • also do policemen
  • do a lot of British schoolchildren
One of the national symbols of England is …… .
  • a red rose
  • a pear tree
  • a white horse
  • a red dragon
Listen to the conversation in a bookshop and find the true sentence.
  • "The Manchester Murders" is perfect for people who like surprises.
  • On the last page of the book, the detective accuses the gardener.
  • The woman doesn't usually enjoy David March's books.
  • At the end of the conversation, the man is very pleased.
Moira often brings her dog to work. He is very well-behaved and is never a problem. In fact, he is always as good as …… .
  • apple pie
  • gold
  • a god
  • an angel

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My uncle works in a …… where they make washing machines.
  • furniture
  • castle
  • moon
  • factory
At London airport, international passengers have to go through …… and passport control.
  • people
  • searchers
  • visitors
  • customs
Jenny is nervous and uncomfortable with other people. In other words, she is …… .
  • shy
  • scary
  • friendly
  • amusing
This …… sells newspapers, magazines – and sweets as well.
  • journalist's
  • library
  • paper shop
  • publisher's
  • A second school.
  • A college.
  • A high school.
  • An elementary school.
  • The USA and Mexico.
  • England and Scotland.
  • Canada and the USA.
  • Ireland and England.
Listen. What question did you ask the man?
  • “Are there any more sandwiches?”
  • “Did I win a prize?”
  • “Can I take one of those books?”
  • “Do you know the way to the station?”
  • “They don't fit me.”
  • “They're not tight enough.”
  • “They're much too big.”
  • “I can't stand them.”
On this sort of tour bus, a lot of people prefer to sit ……, like the couple in the picture.
  • upstairs
  • inside
  • above
  • in the sky
The bus tour …… two hours.
  • makes
  • lasts
  • passes
  • times
The couple are on a day …… London.
  • visit in
  • voyage to
  • travel in
  • trip to
Find an appropriate title for this text.
  • A Terrible Holiday
  • A Happy Lady
  • A Possible Disaster
  • A House by the Sea
When Meagan posted this message, …… .
  • it wasn't raining
  • she wasn't at all worried
  • her house wasn't under water
  • the weather was getting better
What do we know about Meagan?
  • She doesn't live very near Bill and Caroline.
  • Perhaps she'll have to leave her house.
  • She is going to stay with friends in Manchester.
  • She was here when the same thing happened before.
What did Bill and Caroline probably say to Meagan?
  • "Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen."
  • "If it doesn't stop raining, we'll stay here."
  • "You can't be too careful."
  • "Do the same as we did five years ago."
Listen. What are they going to do in the next few minutes?
  • Go somewhere by car.
  • Play a tennis match.
  • Watch a film at the cinema.
  • Have lunch in a restaurant.
Listen. What else can the man say?
  • “It was very expensive.”
  • “It's the only one I've got.”
  • “It wasn't valuable.”
  • “Be careful you don't break it.”
Listen. What does the woman's last sentence mean?
  • “Nobody will notice the dog.”
  • “No one will take care of the dog.”
  • “It won't be a problem.”
  • “Bringing a dog isn't a good idea.”
Listen. What's happening?
  • They're looking for a friend's house.
  • They're doing a jigsaw puzzle.
  • They're moving a piece of furniture.
  • The girl has lost an earring.
How often …… to the cinema?
  • are you going
  • have you got
  • do you go
  • is he looking
Mr Hewitt isn't in his office at the moment – he …… lunch.
  • is having
  • prepares the
  • cooks his
  • can wait
After dinner, Maria …… chapter two of her book and then went to bed.
  • has finished
  • was studying
  • read
  • looks at
Tyler has had toothache …… . He really must see a dentist.
  • two days ago
  • when he got up this morning
  • since yesterday
  • last Monday
You need a lot of money…… a car like this.
  • so you get
  • for having
  • if you wanted
  • to buy
When I go on holiday, my grandparents always ask …… a postcard.
  • for sending them
  • will I send for them
  • me to send them
  • if I send them
Listen. What does this word rhyme with?
  • done
  • gone
  • ran
  • turn
Listen. These words all contain the same vowel sound. Find another word with the same sound.
  • town
  • born
  • grown
  • won
Listen to the sentence. Which group of words can you hear?
  • already for the
  • the act is all
  • all seen
  • actors all ready
  • Elizabeth.
  • Catherine.
  • Anne.
  • Victoria.
  • Wellington defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo.
  • The first underground railway in the world was opened in London.
  • William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
  • The United States said it wanted to be an independent nation.
You can't see the house from the street because there's a high wall …… it.
  • over
  • across
  • around
  • above
It's getting dark so this man is …… on the light.
  • pulling
  • making
  • switching
  • running
Choose a name for this “family” of words: wing, wheel, fly.
  • Planes
  • Insects
  • Birds
  • Cars
This man is pushing his car because it has …… petrol.
  • run out of
  • gone down with
  • emptied all the
  • not used enough
Listen. Where are you?
  • At the cash desk of a supermarket.
  • In a restaurant.
  • At the hairdresser's.
  • In a taxi.
Listen. What can the teacher say?
  • “Make a notice, Bob.”
  • “Pay attention, Bob.”
  • “Don't paint your face, Bob.”
  • “Put it back, Bob.”
  • “Hold on a second.”
  • “Pick up.”
  • “Hang up, please.”
  • “Don't be patient.”
Jane's phone is broken. The phone shop can repair it but they'll have to …… to the manufacturer, so she'll be without it for about a week.
  • give it up
  • send it away
  • keep it back
  • put it off
Listen. What can Sarah's mother say now?
  • “I'm so happy she had a good time.”
  • “Well, it isn't everyone's cup of tea.”
  • “Of course. I told you it looked terrific, didn't I?”
  • “It was nice of you to share it.”
Listen to the conversation at a funfair and find the true sentence about this game.
  • You get a prize for every can you knock over.
  • Every time you throw a ball, it costs a pound.
  • If you knock over one can with each ball, you could win a teddy bear.
  • The woman is confident that she's going to win a prize.
Listen. The two words sound similar, but not exactly the same. Find another pair of words that don't sound the same.
  • pens, pence
  • meet, meat
  • mist, missed
  • weight, wait
When the penguins …… out of their cages, we fed them with fish.
  • have all come
  • have been allowed
  • were finally let
  • are permitted
This woman is thinking, “I don't think there's …… than a long hot bath.”
  • something nicer
  • ever had
  • nothing more relaxing
  • anything better
Listen. Which public holiday is it?
  • Thanksgiving.
  • Easter Monday.
  • Remembrance Day.
  • Martin Luther King Day.
These two men are terrible singers. So, if they ask you, ‘When will we become stars?’
what can you say?
  • “When pigs can fly.”
  • “When dogs can sing.”
  • “When cats can swim.”
  • “When the sky turns green.”

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Which group of words can be used to describe this photo?
  • arm, handbag, disappointed
  • upset, forehead, stand
  • secret, bully, nest
  • point, laptop, cruel
Find the right adjective to describe this boy's bedroom.
  • noisy
  • untidy
  • grumpy
  • unlucky
A lot of people …… for the job because it was very well paid.
  • applied
  • required
  • demanded
  • raised
Find a name for this “family” of words: cut, sore, hurt.
  • Making clothes
  • Health problems
  • Food preparation
  • Making a movie
  • Pumpkin pie.
  • Roast turkey.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Lemon jelly
  • Abraham Lincoln.
  • Barack Obama.
  • George W. Bush.
  • John F. Kennedy.
Listen. What can the old lady say?
  • “It was a pleasure.”
  • “How kind of you.”
  • “You can't help it.”
  • “You're welcome.”
Listen. You don't want to guess any more. What can you say to your sister?
  • “I give up.”
  • “I can't get away.”
  • “I don't mind.”
  • “It's not my business.”
The man in the photo is …… .
  • trying to steal something
  • putting something in his back pocket
  • hiding an object in his trousers
  • repairing a hole in his jacket
He is thinking, “I hope ……”.
  • they will miss me
  • I won't be noticed
  • they can put this away
  • I can afford this
If someone leaves a store without paying, that person is a “shop……”.
  • raiser
  • picker
  • lifter
  • stealer
Why is Edina J in the news?
  • She has lost her popularity.
  • She has just become very popular.
  • There is a mystery about what she's doing at the moment.
  • No one knows who she really is.
What do we know about Edina J?
  • She isn't often in the news.
  • She gave several concerts in Canada.
  • Her Canadian tour was cancelled.
  • Not many people go to her concerts.
We also know that Edina J …… .
  • doesn't use social media
  • said she was too tired to complete her tour
  • never disappoints her fans
  • has got a new Spanish boyfriend
Edina J's fans …… .
  • think she has been resting since the weekend
  • were almost sure she was going to cancel a concert
  • aren't used to getting news about her
  • have just had some news about her on Twitter
Listen. What else could the girl say now?
  • “Look it up!”
  • “Leave it behind!”
  • “Keep going!”
  • “Move back!”
Listen. What's the man's problem?
  • He has no money at all.
  • He hasn't got anywhere to live.
  • He needs an electrician.
  • His car has broken down on the motorway.
Listen. What's the situation?
  • The woman is telling John that his watch doesn't work.
  • The woman is telling John that the doctor can see him now.
  • John has been doing a test and he must stop writing now.
  • John has just swum 100 metres faster than ever before.
Listen and find the true sentence.
  • Sam has forgotten his door key.
  • Sam's mother is with Mrs Wilson.
  • Sam has just fallen off his bicycle and is hurt.
  • Sam is going home to wait for his mother.
The woman is saying, “Come on, time to get to work! What …… for?”
  • are you waiting
  • have you got
  • do you look
  • don't you hurry
Thank you for your present. It's the most beautiful bracelet I …… seen.
  • was already
  • have never
  • have ever
  • haven't yet
If Annabelle …… more time studying, she'd get better marks in class.
  • would take
  • give
  • spent
  • have had
The monkey has been found. No one knows how …… its cage at the zoo.
  • it escaped from
  • it has opened
  • did it get out of
  • has it unlocked
In the famous children's story, Alice followed a rabbit into its hole and immediately felt …… .
  • herself falling
  • that she fell
  • herself to fall
  • to fall down
“My feet are killing me,” said Maggie. “It's because I …… wearing high heels.”
  • have never used
  • don't use for
  • am not used to
  • can't get used by
Listen. Find the word with the same “ch" sound as the word you hear.
  • ache
  • champion
  • machine
  • champagne
Listen. These words all contain the same vowel sound. Find another word with the same sound.
  • says
  • cheat
  • grey
  • wet
Listen. Which group of words can you hear?
  • point in getting
  • getting angrier but
  • get him angry
  • its behaviour
  • The Labour party.
  • The Republican party.
  • The Conservative party.
  • The Democratic party.
  • Wellington.
  • Washington.
  • Nelson.
  • Vancouver.
This couple got a …… from the bank in order to buy their new house.
  • rent
  • share
  • loan
  • bill
Let me know what time your train arrives and I'll …… you up at the station.
  • pick
  • get
  • drive
  • take
Find the list of words that are all associated with crime.
  • hold-up, burglar, pickpocket
  • bucket, murder, theft
  • robber, iron, drawer
  • prison, mirror, witness
A man who was walking his dog found a wallet and immediately …… to the police.
  • took it out
  • gave it away
  • handed it over
  • passed it round
  • “Give her a ring.”
  • “Bad luck.”
  • “I'd rather not.”
  • “Better not.”
Listen. What can Alice say?
  • “I'm looking forward to it.”
  • “It's going to be a nightmare.”
  • “Best wishes.”
  • “I honestly don't care.”
  • “It's child's play.”
  • “It's a piece of cake.”
  • “It's bread and butter.”
  • “It's as easy as ABC.”
You shouldn't leave any …… on a beach or in a public park. Take it away or put it in a bin.
  • proof
  • track
  • litter
  • clue
Listen. What does the woman want to do?
  • Lose weight.
  • Reserve a hotel room.
  • Sell an old book.
  • Become physically fit.
Listen. What did the girl do?
  • She brought a kitten home.
  • She ordered a new phone.
  • She got a tattoo.
  • She dyed her hair purple.
Listen. What's the name of the main character in this book?
  • Robinson Crusoe.
  • Doctor Frankenstein.
  • Sherlock Holmes.
  • Count Dracula.
They aren't going to supply us with any more components until …… their last bill.
  • we've paid
  • we will have paid
  • we'll pay
  • we've been paying
This man's teeth aren't perfect. If he wants to be a movie star, he should …… fixed …… .
  • make them …… as soon as possible
  • get them …… by a dentist
  • have a dentist …… them
  • have been …… them
Listen and complete the sentence: Joe behaves like a …… .
  • fish out of water
  • cat among the pigeons
  • wolf in sheep's clothing
  • bull in a china shop
Uluru is a popular tourist destination in Australia. What is Uluru?
  • A huge red rock in the desert.
  • A traditional Aborigine village near Melbourne.
  • A beach for surfers near Sydney.
  • A beautiful waterfall that is sacred to the Aborigines.

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In this photo, we can see that …… .
  • the man has fallen off his chair
  • the woman is hurt
  • a cup has just fallen over
  • there's coffee all over the desk
…… the room was completely dark, I couldn't see anything.
  • Since
  • However
  • Though
  • Therefore
Jenny was supposed to meet me at 3 pm but she missed the bus and didn't …… until 3.30.
  • show up
  • pass out
  • turn around
  • pull down
If you want to plant a tree in your garden, you must first …… a hole.
  • dig
  • slam
  • grab
  • slice
  • Arizona.
  • Alberta.
  • Louisiana.
  • Georgia.
  • A hamburger.
  • A brownie.
  • A hot dog.
  • A bagel.
Listen. What can you say to Harry?
  • “Thanks for coming.”
  • “I didn't mind it at all.”
  • “You were very welcome.”
  • “Thank you for having me.”
Listen. What can you say to Mr and Mrs Bellamy when you see them?
  • “Happy anniversary.”
  • “Happy New Year.”
  • “Best wishes on your wedding.”
  • “Best regards.”
Find the list of words that can be used to describe the picture.
  • boxes, bring, argue
  • empty, carry, wood
  • floor, shower, open
  • hold, driver, wall
Find the right title for this picture.
  • Delivering Envelopes
  • Moving Day
  • Presents for the Family
  • Packing the Cases
When the family have settled into their new home, they will probably have a …… party.
  • housewarming
  • housesharing
  • homecoming
  • homemaking
These comments on a website are about a hotel …… .
  • in a city centre
  • in England
  • in the countryside
  • that opened this year
Find the words and expressions that Christine might have used to describe the hotel.
  • friendly staff, noisy, well-situated
  • inexperienced staff, amazing food, attractive room
  • nice food, luxurious, quiet
  • old-fashioned, competent staff, comfortable
Find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • Peter was not satisfied because there was nothing to do in the evenings.
  • Peter made some insulting remarks about the staff.
  • Both Peter and Christine complained about the service, the rooms and the food.
  • Before she arrived, Christine didn't know that the hotel was being renovated.
What happened between August 2017 and April 2018?
  • The hotel was rebuilt and the quality of the food was improved.
  • The hotel had a make-over and new staff were taken on.
  • The staff were retrained and the hotel was modernised.
  • Nothing was done to the rooms but some young people joined the staff.
Listen. What else can the man say?
  • “It's no trouble.”
  • “You aren't disturbing me.”
  • “You're in the way.”
  • “Don't bother.”
Listen. It's obvious that Steven has been …… .
  • careless
  • grateful
  • delayed
  • unkind
Listen. What do you think the boy is going to say now?
  • “It isn't up to you.”
  • “They're on me.”
  • “I can manage it for you.”
  • “It's a waste of money.”
Listen. How did the woman feel when she talked to her doctor this morning?
  • She didn't take him seriously.
  • She was relieved.
  • She became depressed.
  • She thought he wasn't serious.
Maggie doesn't want to go out with Mark any more, but he …… about her all the time.
  • is thinking
  • remembers
  • thinks
  • can't believe
When the water ……, empty the packet of pasta into it and cook the pasta for ten minutes.
  • boils
  • will boil
  • boiled
  • would boil
“You …… your friends for over half an hour now,” said Gillian. “When are you going to put your phone down and talk to me?”
  • have sent emails to
  • wanted to email
  • have been texting
  • may want to text
This man is thinking, “If I hadn't been driving so fast, I …… in time.”
  • hadn't managed to stop
  • could have stopped
  • didn't have to stop
  • should stop
When she made the video, she never expected …… so many times on the internet.
  • it to be viewed
  • for people to watch it
  • that it was seen
  • her being liked
By the time I …… university, scientists think global warming …… increase of 0.1°C in world temperatures.
  • have left …… will make an
  • am leaving …… may be causing an
  • leave …… will have caused an
  • finish …… will have had to
Listen and find the three words you can hear.
  • firstly, fit, watched
  • thirty, fit, washed
  • thirsty, fit, washed
  • thirsty, feet, washed
Listen. Which word does NOT rhyme with the word you hear?
  • loose
  • blues
  • cruise
  • zoos
Listen. Which group of words is in the sentence?
  • meet him in Paris
  • Annie print us out
  • his further meeting
  • any printers out for
  • The US Department of Defense.
  • The CIA.
  • The FBI.
  • Microsoft Corporation.
  • Mark Twain.
  • Charles Dickens.
  • Ernest Hemingway.
  • John Steinbeck.
She …… in my ear so that no one else could hear.
  • shouted
  • hurried
  • whispered
  • parked
“Can I pay you next month?” he's saying. “I'm a bit …… of money at the moment.”
  • far
  • wide
  • short
  • hard
Doors, suitcases and frying pans have all got …… .
  • locks
  • handles
  • covers
  • drawings
This man is thinking, “It's very expensive. I wonder if they'll consider …… if I pay cash?”
  • reducing the price
  • accept less
  • to lower the cost
  • for a cheaper amount
  • “No, I'm fed up.”
  • “No thanks, I really couldn't.”
  • “No, I can't take any more.”
  • “No thanks, I'm not too keen on them.”
Listen. What can Mr Carey say to Mr Wilson?
  • “I'm afraid it won't take long enough.”
  • “I'm sorry but my time's up.”
  • “I can't spare the time right now.”
  • “Sorry, but I'm reserved.”
  • He's soon going to be a big star.
  • He has finally become successful.
  • He isn't as good as he used to be because he's getting too old.
  • He doesn't usually work in London because he lives in the USA.
He …… all his meals prepared by his mother, so he had no idea how to cook!
  • had been used to having
  • always used to getting
  • was used to get
  • became used to making
Listen. What's the woman talking about?
  • An umbrella.
  • A washing machine.
  • An electric radiator.
  • A vacuum flask.
Listen. Which proverb can describe the man's situation?
  • You can't have your cake and eat it.
  • It never rains but it pours.
  • The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
  • More haste, less speed.
Listen and find the word that does NOT correspond to the definition.
  • bystander
  • witness
  • onlooker
  • watchman
Which words CANNOT complete this sentence? “All the …… makes cost more than their Chinese equivalents.”
  • products that company
  • phones that our company
  • American and European
  • factories are in Europe, which
If you say that two people are as thick as thieves, you mean that …… .
  • they are both incredibly stupid
  • they are close friends who share secrets
  • they don't tell each other the truth
  • they steal other people's ideas
Listen. What else can the man say?
  • “I can't put up with it any more.”
  • “They can't cope with that noise.”
  • “I'm longing for it.”
  • “I'll have to make do with the music.”
Sir Isaac Newton was a remarkable man. Not only ……, he was also a writer and a politician.
  • he was finding out about gravity
  • he discovered the law of gravity
  • that his discovery of gravity was so important
  • did he define what gravity was

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