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In this photo, we can see ….. .
  • four children
  • two girls
  • a man and a dog
  • a family
The woman has got ….. .
  • a red T-shirt
  • black hair
  • blonde hair
  • a green dress
What can you see in the photo?
  • food, a table, a window
  • a car, a chair, a table
  • a chair, a window, a ball
  • children, toys, food
Complete the word: T ….. S D A Y.
  • U E
  • E U
  • O O
  • A U
thirteen + twelve =
  • 42
  • 25
  • 33
  • 15
….. are usually white or grey.
  • Trees
  • Potatoes
  • Clouds
  • Monkeys
The opposite of “noisy” is “…..” .
  • angry
  • loud
  • dirty
  • quiet
Complete this “family” of words: neck, back, foot, ….. .
  • goal
  • sock
  • mouth
  • pear
Who has got an e-bike?
  • David's father.
  • David.
  • David's mother.
  • David and his father.
Mr Wilkins ….. .
  • has got an orange and black car
  • goes to work by e-bike every day
  • hasn't got a car
  • drives to work when the weather's bad
….. think e-bikes are dangerous.
  • Mrs Wilkins and Raj
  • Eva and Mr Wilkins
  • Raj and Eva
  • Mrs Wilkins and Eva
Find the true sentence.
  • David really likes his e-bike.
  • Eva likes e-bikes because they go very fast.
  • David would like an e-bike for his birthday.
  • Eva thinks e-bikes are bad for the environment.
We ….. on holiday at the moment.
  • is
  • are
  • am
  • have
Jack, ….. the answer on the board, please!
  • write
  • stand
  • run
  • go
My sister's very clever. She ….. speak four languages.
  • is
  • can
  • want
  • has
….. your school ….. gym?
  • Have ….. a
  • Does ….. got a
  • Has ….. got a
  • Are ….. have a
On Saturday afternoons in the summer, Daisy and Mike …… tennis.
  • doesn't play
  • watch usually
  • sometimes plays
  • often play
This is a photo of a teacher's ….. .
  • desk
  • pocket
  • cupboard
  • window
The apple is ….. .
  • next to the cup
  • in front of the books
  • on the blackboard
  • under the table
Find the true sentence about the photo.
  • All the books are open.
  • The books are behind the clock.
  • The time is twenty to twelve.
  • The pencils aren't in the cup.
What do you find in a classroom? Choose the right list.
  • bears, knives, chairs
  • roads, pens, shelves
  • beds, scissors, lights
  • bookcases, maps, rulers
The flag of the United Kingdom is ….. .
  • red, white and green
  • red, blue and yellow
  • blue, white and black
  • red, white and blue
If you take the train from London to Edinburgh, you are going ….. .
  • north
  • south
  • east
  • west
On 25th December, a lot of British families finish their lunch or dinner with Christmas ….., a traditional hot dessert.
  • soup
  • turkey
  • pudding
  • cracker
When English children are 11, they go to ….. .
  • university
  • secondary school
  • college
  • preschool
Sarah asks Emily, “How are you, Emily?” What can Emily answer?
  • “I'm upstairs.”
  • “Thirteen.”
  • “I'm Jane.”
  • “I'm fine, thanks.”
Mr and Mrs Brown are going to the airport. They must leave home now. Mrs Brown is ready, but her husband isn't. What can Mrs Brown say?
  • “Come on!”
  • “Come back!”
  • “Go away!”
  • “Get off!”
Harry finds his father's old toys in a cupboard. One of the toys is an electric train. What can Harry ask his father about the train?
  • “Where does it go?”
  • “What does it play?”
  • “Does it work?”
  • “Do you like my train?”
A woman asks, “Where's the way out, please?” Where is she?
  • At home.
  • In the street.
  • In a museum.
  • In a taxi.
It's Kate's birthday. You give her a wonderful present. She says, “Thank you very much.” What can you say now?
  • “Don't worry.”
  • “It doesn't matter.”
  • “You're welcome.”
  • “That's nice of you.”
In a shop, a man is giving a customer some information: “There are three sizes, four colours and they're easy to wash.” What is he talking about?
  • Shirts.
  • Ice cream.
  • Phones.
  • Exercise books.
"Way” rhymes with the letter “…..”.
  • G
  • J
  • E
  • Q
“…..” doesn't rhyme with “they're”.
  • Where
  • Their
  • Pair
  • Dear
“Incredible” = o O o o. “Conversation” = ….. .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
Grayston Castle is ….. .
  • a village near London
  • an old castle
  • a shopping centre
  • a restaurant
….. the castle.
  • You can visit all the rooms in
  • You can't go inside
  • The playground isn't near
  • There is a café and a shop in
Young children like visiting Grayston Castle because ….. .
  • they can play with the animals inside the castle
  • they can visit a zoo and play in the gardens
  • there is a very big zoo in the gardens
  • they can see dangerous animals at the zoo
Find the true sentence.
  • Entrance to the playground is £5.
  • The castle café is open all day.
  • A boy and his parents must pay £15 to go inside the castle.
  • The castle is open 7 hours a day, six days a week.
Your grandparents ….., don't they?
  • don't live in London
  • have got a big garden
  • never eat meat
  • always watch TV in the evenings
Those jeans over there are nice. ….. cost?
  • How is their
  • What does it
  • How much do they
  • Are they a big
There ….. people in the office. They're all in the cafeteria.
  • is a lot of
  • aren't any
  • is no
  • haven't got many
Find the word that is not associated with the Internet.
  • web
  • tail
  • dot
  • link
William ….. his homework ….. .
  • is doing ….. in the evenings
  • usually does ….. after dinner
  • forgets to do ….. this evening
  • isn't doing ….. every evening
The "ea" in “..…” sounds the same as the vowel in “her”.
  • wearing
  • easy
  • early
  • ready
Big Ben is part of ….. .
  • the Houses of Parliament
  • the Tower of London
  • Buckingham Palace
  • St Paul's Cathedral

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In the photo, we can see ….. .
  • a boy and his mother
  • a girl and a friend
  • two children in the street
  • two women in a living-room
The girl ….. .
  • is smiling at the boy
  • is standing up
  • has got short blonde hair
  • isn't very happy
The boy is ….. .
  • looking at the camera
  • playing the guitar and singing
  • holding a jacket
  • watching the girl
Chloe wants to drink some water because she's very ….. .
  • angry
  • thirsty
  • hungry
  • dirty
A chair has got four ….. .
  • legs
  • hands
  • backs
  • beans
When you're on holiday in Italy, please ….. me a postcard.
  • send
  • take
  • ring
  • put
Complete this “family” of words: sheep, horse, bird, ….. .
  • flower
  • floor
  • snake
  • ham
It's very cold today, so ….. a hat and coat.
  • go out
  • take off
  • take on
  • put on
This email is from Carole to her ….. .
  • sister
  • niece
  • mother
  • daughter
What do you know about Carole and Patrick?
  • They live in a house in London.
  • They're going to buy a new house.
  • They're going to move to London.
  • Patrick's new job isn't in London.
The problem for Carole and Patrick is that ….. .
  • the flat hasn't got enough furniture
  • they can't put all their furniture in the flat
  • they can't sell their furniture on the Internet
  • they don't need any furniture in the new flat
Find the true sentence.
  • Carole wants to give all her old furniture to Jennifer.
  • Jennifer doesn't like modern furniture.
  • Carole hopes that Jennifer is going to buy the sofa.
  • Carole is offering to give Jennifer something.
Bob ….. video games in the evening.
  • are playing
  • often plays
  • going to
  • like to play
….. you ….. to my birthday party?
  • Do ….. go
  • Have ….. got
  • Can ..… come
  • Is ….. going
There ….. any chicken on the menu today.
  • aren't
  • isn't
  • have got
  • hasn't
My brother is taller ….. I am.
  • that
  • as
  • than
  • more
“Did Jack …… to school by bus today?” “No, he walked.”
  • come
  • came
  • ran
  • went
The people in this picture are ….. a film.
  • watching
  • looking for
  • sitting
  • leaving
We know the film is …… because some children are ….. .
  • boring ….. funny
  • good ….. bored
  • funny ..… laughing
  • great ….. crying
What can you say about the three children in front?
  • The girl on the right of the photo has got a cold drink in her hand.
  • They are nearer the screen than the other people.
  • The boy doesn't like popcorn very much.
  • The boy is sitting opposite the two girls.
Find the list of words associated with cinemas.
  • ticket, audience, field
  • curtain, exit, seat
  • movie, farm, pay
  • poster, lights, castle
In Britain, you usually ….. with milk, or sometimes with lemon.
  • have cereal
  • eat cheese
  • make a sandwich
  • drink tea
Manchester and Liverpool are big cities in the north of ….. .
  • Wales
  • Scotland
  • England
  • Ireland
The leader of the British government is the ….. Minister.
  • First
  • Prime
  • Premier
  • Head
Ferries go across the ….. Channel from Dover in south-east England to Calais in France. It's only 33 kilometres.
  • Atlantic
  • North Sea
  • Euro
  • English
Someone rings Kate on her mobile and says “Hello, is that Anna?” What can Kate say?
  • “You don't ring Anna.”
  • “But Anna hasn't got my number.”
  • “Sorry, you've got the wrong number.”
  • “Excuse me, it's my mistake.”
Maggie says to Tom: “Let's have a drink in that café.” Tom says, “But I haven't got any money.” Maggie answers: “….. I'll pay for you.”
  • You're welcome.
  • Borrow some money.
  • It doesn't matter.
  • There's nothing.
You asked Bill a question. He answered, “Well, just a little perhaps.” What question did you ask?
  • “Did you get a lot of presents for Christmas?”
  • “Would you like some more spaghetti?”
  • “What's your sister like?”
  • “Did you finish your homework?”
A boy drops an empty crisp packet on the pavement. You see him and say, “You mustn't do that! …..”
  • Pick it up!
  • Put it down!
  • Take it out!
  • Don't drop them!
After an English test, a friend says to you, “I thought it was very difficult.” What can you answer?
  • “I was too.”
  • “So did I.”
  • “I didn't think.”
  • “Yes, it wasn't too hard.”
A woman says, “It's black, it fits me well and it'll last a long time.” What's she talking about?
  • A scooter.
  • A washing machine.
  • A mobile phone.
  • A coat.
“Meal” rhymes with “…..”.
  • bill
  • feel
  • girl
  • sell
Find the list of words that rhyme.
  • foot, fruit, put
  • drum, come, some
  • say, grey, cry
  • white, wait, fight
“Revolution” = o o O o. “Magnificent” = ….. .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
This morning, Jessica ….. .
  • came to William's house
  • saw William's parents
  • worked on a project at home
  • and William finished their project
William ….. .
  • usually goes to a pizza restaurant for lunch
  • always has pizza for lunch when his parents aren't there
  • doesn't often cook lunch when he's alone
  • never has pizza for lunch on Saturdays
William didn't ….. .
  • cook the steak very well, so Jessica didn't like it.
  • order a pizza today because Jessica doesn't like pizza.
  • know that Jessica doesn't eat meat.
  • cook any potatoes
Find the sentence that IS NOT true.
  • When Jessica left, she needed to change her clothes.
  • Jessica and William didn't do any work in the afternoon.
  • Jessica didn't have anything for lunch at William's house.
  • When the accident happened, Jessica said, “Oh no! My clothes!”
We'll miss the train if we ….. now! So hurry up!
  • don't leave home
  • will go to the station
  • aren't leaving home
  • won't get a taxi
I didn't get a cake because the baker's ….. cakes ….. I got there.
  • had no ….. left when
  • only got ….. when
  • didn't have much ….. when
  • sold all the ….. after
Frank and Sally ….. by the river when the rain started.
  • went and sat
  • were having a picnic
  • had lunch
  • catch some fish
The “au” in “caught” sounds like ….. .
  • the “oo” in “food””
  • the “au” in “aunt”
  • the “oa” in “coat”
  • the “ou” in “bought”
How many ….. that computer …..?
  • did ….. cost
  • spelling mistakes ….. found
  • children play ….. game
  • information did ….. give you
The opposite of “polite” is “…..”
  • kind
  • fresh
  • untidy
  • rude
The English flag (not the British flag!) is white with a red ….. on it.
  • cross
  • lion
  • star
  • stripe

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The boy is ….. a book.
  • looking at
  • saying
  • wearing
  • opening
Behind the boy, ….. .
  • two people are sitting near the bookcases.
  • a woman is talking to a shop assistant
  • we can see lots of customers
  • some customers are leaving the shop
Find the group of words that is associated with books.
  • page, sentence, novel
  • snow, author, print
  • paper, wave, word
  • belt, chapter, story
A ….. is part of a computer
  • leaf
  • keyboard
  • storm
  • chest
If you're too hot, ….. off your jacket.
  • take
  • put
  • get
  • see
The drone flew ….. the houses and came down in the street.
  • our
  • over
  • often
  • open
Choose a name for this “family” of words: oven, pan, mix.
  • Cooking
  • Sports
  • Painting
  • Photography
Beyoncé has more than 100 million ….. on social media.
  • hangers
  • followers
  • supporters
  • nephews
What do you know about Ryan?
  • He didn't want a robot for his birthday.
  • He got a great birthday present from his grandparents.
  • He bought a robot for his parents.
  • He's going to get a robot for his birthday.
What can you say about Ryan and the M54 robot?
  • He put the pieces together without any help.
  • It wasn't difficult to put the pieces together.
  • It took a long time to put the pieces together.
  • Ryan's father put the pieces together.
We know that the M54 ….. .
  • isn't difficult to operate
  • can't turn left or right
  • always moves very fast
  • can fly
Find the sentence that is NOT true.
  • The M54 knows when there is a wall in front of it.
  • With a special app, you can control the M54 with your smartphone.
  • Ryan hasn't had the robot for a long time.
  • If you want to play with the M54, you need a smartphone.
Please don't come in the bathroom now! I ….. a bath.
  • have
  • 've got
  • 'm having
  • take
David ….. shopping very often. He hates it!
  • doesn't go
  • isn't doing the
  • likes
  • wants to go
If you ….. now, you won't want your dinner.
  • got another cake
  • are finishing all the cookies
  • will have an ice-cream
  • eat that bar of chocolate
We ….. in the car and drove to the airport.
  • have put some petrol
  • are all getting
  • put the luggage
  • must leave
Your girlfriend is very nice. How long ….. her?
  • did you first meet
  • have you known
  • are you going out with
  • do you see
In this photo, all the people are wearing ….. .
  • shorts
  • sweaters
  • trousers
  • trainers
What did the instructor probably say a moment ago?
  • Put your right hand on your chest.
  • Raise your left hand as high as possible.
  • Touch your toes with one hand.
  • Stand still with your legs together.
People take gym classes because they think ….. is important.
  • fitting well
  • being top of the form
  • keeping fit
  • making it fit
Find the group of verbs associated with physical exercise.
  • stretch, hike, lift
  • bake, dance, climb
  • throw, jump, whisper
  • box, dive, scream
….. is NOT an ingredient of the classic American hamburger.
  • Lettuce
  • Beef
  • Potato
  • Onion
….. is on the west coast of the USA.
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Miami
  • San Francisco
The British Prime Minister ….. .
  • works at the White House
  • is a Democrat
  • lives in Downing Street
  • is Queen Elizabeth II
The capital of New Zealand is ….. .
  • Christchurch
  • Wellington
  • Canberra
  • Vancouver
Your friend Tony loses his phone. You find it and give it to him. He says, “Thank you." What can you say?
  • “You're welcome.”
  • “That was nice of you.”
  • “I'm not worried.”
  • “Well done.”
In a shop, you are paying for some sweets. They cost 45p but you only have a £10 note. What can the shop assistant say?
  • “Haven't you got the right money?”
  • “I'm sorry, that's too much.”
  • “That's the wrong price.”
  • “I'm afraid you don't have enough.”
Jenny is trying to find Peter’s house. She rings Peter. “It’s the only house with a green roof; ..... .” answers Peter.
  • you won't notice it
  • you can't miss it
  • you'll catch it easily
  • it'll fall on you
A woman says, “They're better now but they hurt a bit at first.” What is she talking about?
  • The flowers in her garden.
  • Some cakes that were difficult to make.
  • Her two children who are ill.
  • A new pair of shoes.
Pattie and her boyfriend aren't speaking to each other. Lisa asks Pattie why, but Pattie doesn't want to tell her. What can Pattie say?
  • “It's none of your business.”
  • “Look after yourself.”
  • “Please don't interrupt me.”
  • “You mustn't be quiet.”
A man says to a girl, “You aren't keeping time. You're a beat behind everybody else.” What is the situation?
  • Practising for a 100m race.
  • An orchestra rehearsal.
  • Arriving late for a lesson.
  • A watch that isn't working.
“Bought” rhymes with “…..”.
  • about
  • taught
  • allowed
  • but
The “u” in “business” has the same sound as ….. .
  • the “i” in “kick”
  • the “u” in “under”
  • the “ee” in “feet”
  • the “i” in “machine”
“Impossible” = o O o o. “Helicopter” = ….. .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
The cheese festival takes place .... .
  • every four years
  • in the street
  • all over Europe
  • next Saturday
What do you know for certain about Saturday's competition?
  • No British cheesemaker won a prize.
  • The winner was a blue cheese from Europe.
  • The best new cheese came from Britain.
  • A new cheese from Italy won first prize.
Mr Ryland ….. .
  • was born in Devonshire but doesn't live there now
  • has made cheese since he came to Devonshire a few years ago
  • lived in Devonshire even before he became a cheesemaker.
  • wasn't the first British cheesemaker to win the competition
Find the sentence that is NOT true.
  • Westbridge is a town in the county of Devonshire.
  • Mr Ryland thinks Europeans will want to buy his cheese.
  • Mr Ryland is going to spend his prize money on a beach holiday.
  • The cheese competition didn't show that British cheese is the best.
Ken's parents want ….. go to university when he leaves school.
  • for him to
  • that he goes
  • him to
  • that he will
I almost didn’t recognise you, Mia! ..... so much since I ..... you last.
  • You've grown … saw
  • I didn't see you … met
  • You changed … went to see
  • I've forgotten … have seen
“Tom must play Hamlet,” said the director. “I can’t think of ..... could do it better.”
  • someone left that
  • anyone else who
  • some other boy
  • no one I know who
“Bulb, “plug” and “switch” are all associated with ….. .
  • lamps
  • plants
  • a bath
  • trees
In which word do both syllables have the same vowel sound?
  • biscuit
  • tested
  • doctor
  • Japan
During the civil war, nothing ..... the government for the refugees.
  • didn't force
  • at all has organised for
  • was done by
  • useful has been arranged by
The American Civil War ended in ….. .
  • 1865
  • 1775
  • 1815
  • 1783

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In the photo, the girls are ……
  • both laughing at something
  • sitting at the same table
  • talking on the phone
  • having a lot of fun
One of the girls is annoyed because …
  • the other girl is angry
  • her friend isn't working
  • the text message isn't funny
  • her phone doesn't work
The girl on the right of the photo is going to say: “……”
  • Don't laugh at me.
  • Put that away.
  • There's lots of time left.
  • Do you have to work?
The opposite of “wet” is ……
  • clear
  • dry
  • sweet
  • soft
You have finished reading page 9 of your book. In order to read page 10, you now have to turn ……
  • over
  • out
  • across
  • ahead
Adam …… the exam easily with a score of 85%.
  • passed
  • succeeded
  • reached
  • ran
Complete the word: “night.....” (a very bad dream)
  • fright
  • mare
  • core
  • sweat
Find a title for this “family” of words: wrap, parcel, string.
  • Sending a gift
  • Making a pizza
  • Repairing a bike
  • Playing a card game
This is not just an article, it is also an advertisement for ….. .
  • watches in general
  • a Chinese smartwatch
  • a fashion website
  • the latest smartphone
According to the article, these days, more young people ….. .
  • wear watches than before
  • use smartphones rather than watches to tell the time
  • want to buy watches than in the past
  • buy phones because they tell the time
The article says that the SmartTime Black ….. .
  • can do things that other smartwatches can't do.
  • is much cheaper than all its competitors.
  • is for both men and women.
  • isn't expensive, but is less attractive than other watches
Find the sentence that does not correspond to information in the article.
  • Up to now, smartwatches have been very expensive.
  • If you buy a SmartTime Black now, it will cost less if you buy it online.
  • You can order a SmartTime Black on the Internet.
  • A smartwatch can do everything that a smartphone can.
When we saw the lift wasn't working yesterday, we ….. walk up the stairs.
  • must
  • had to
  • couldn't
  • have decided to
….. your dog twice a day or more?
  • Are you walking
  • How often does
  • Do you feed
  • Who is playing with
I think the lion's ill. I put some meat in his enclosure this morning and he still ….. it.
  • doesn't eat
  • is eating
  • hasn't eaten
  • didn't eat
Before the final yesterday, everyone thought the Italian would win but, in fact, he ….. by an Australian.
  • was beaten
  • has defeated
  • lost the race
  • was lost
I'm sure you'd like her if you ….. her as well as I do.
  • would know
  • can know
  • know
  • knew
The girls in the photo are ….. .
  • on holiday in the countryside
  • eating lunch in the forest
  • having a picnic on a very cold day
  • lying on the grass and smiling
The girl in the middle ….. .
  • is giving the pan to her friend.
  • is sitting with her legs crossed
  • is looking at the camera
  • isn't in charge of the cooking
What do you take with you when you go camping?
  • matches, torches, a stove
  • tents, backpacks, a fridge
  • sleeping bags, pillows, a sink
  • batteries, drums, a can opener
When you go camping, you have to put your tent up. But if you put someone up, this means you ….. .
  • make fun of them
  • give them a lot of respect
  • support them if they have problems
  • give them a place to sleep
Baked beans are white beans in ..... sauce.
  • tomato
  • barbecue
  • meat
  • onion
In New York, ….. is the street where you can find 40 theatres.
  • Soho
  • Wall Street
  • Broadway
  • 42nd Street
….. was not an American President.
  • George. Washington
  • Benjamin. Franklin
  • Abraham. Lincoln
  • John. F. Kennedy
….. is always on a Thursday.
  • Boxing Day in the UK
  • Thanksgiving Day in the USA
  • Independence Day in the USA
  • Remembrance Day in the UK
On the phone, Diana is very angry with Jack. “I'm not going to talk to you any more,” she says. “Goodbye!” What can Jack say?
  • “Put the phone back!”
  • “Hold the line!”
  • “Don't leave the phone!”
  • “Don't hang up!”
A man is asking a woman, “What would you like to follow, madam?” What is his job?
  • A waiter.
  • A tour guide.
  • A shop assistant.
  • A hairdresser.
A woman tells you, “It costs £2 for 24 hours and the first 30 minutes are free.” What is she talking about?
  • Renting a bicycle in London.
  • Visiting a castle in Scotland.
  • Booking a hotel room.
  • Entering a marathon.
When people tell Ben not eat so much chocolate, he says, “I know I shouldn't but ….. . Chocolate is impossible to resist!”
  • I've given it up
  • I can't help it
  • I don't fancy it
  • I'm fed up with it
Bill says, “Carole often does the wrong thing, but I can't be angry with her because she means well.” What does Bill think of Carole?
  • She chooses her words carefully.
  • She has good intentions.
  • She is very intelligent.
  • She is good company.
A man says to a tourist, “What are you doing here? This is private land.” What can the tourist say?
  • “Excuse me, but nothing has been signed.”
  • “I had no idea you were expecting me.”
  • “I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware of that.”
  • “It doesn’t belong to me.”
Complete the list: fires, buyers, liars, ….. .
  • flowers
  • choirs
  • eyes
  • tries
The “au” in “Austria” sounds the same as ….. .
  • the “o” in “polite”
  • the “ou” in “shout”
  • the “o” in “politics”
  • the “ou” in “four”
“Biology” = o O o o. “Development” = ….. .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
This morning, Helena ….. .
  • took this photo
  • attended a conference
  • took part in a protest about climate change
  • demonstrated in a hotel
Helena used to think that ….. .
  • people weren't talking enough about climate change
  • climate change wasn't as serious as some people thought
  • taking part in a protest was only a dream
  • protesting about climate change wouldn't have any effect
Which sentence corresponds to what Helena might say?
  • “I didn't change my views until I read about global warming.”
  • “The Earth is going to die even if we do something now.”
  • “It's a good thing that politicians are doing more than just talk.”
  • “Climate change is our fault and everyone must take action.”
Find the list of words associated with the weather and climate change.
  • file, earthquake, fire
  • lightning, frame, hurricane
  • flood, melt, heatwave
  • storm, iceberg, basket
You're cold? I told you so. You ….. me and worn a coat.
  • wouldn't listen to
  • didn't take any advice from
  • should have listened to
  • ought to be like
As soon as I saw ……, I knew he would need help.
  • the man to fall off the ladder
  • the old man trying to push his car
  • hit the man crossing the road
  • the boy tried to climb the tree
Six tourists have been taken hostage. Negotiators are trying ….. free.
  • to have them make
  • everything so they will
  • to get them set
  • for getting them made
“Are you sure someone's stolen your necklace?” said the detective. “….. you …… you put it?”
  • Didn't … simply forget where did
  • What if … can't remember where have
  • Where did … go the last time
  • Couldn't … have forgotten where
Complete the proverb: “It’s no use crying over .....”.
  • spilt milk
  • broken eggs
  • burnt cakes
  • bad fish
In which year did Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon?
  • 1958
  • 1969
  • 1972
  • 1974
The stars on the American flag represent the number of ……
  • rebellious colonies in 1776
  • US states nowadays
  • US states in 1776
  • members of Congress in 1776

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In the photo, a boy and his father are ….. about something.
  • hurrying
  • pointing
  • arguing
  • enjoying
The boy is saying, “……, please, Dad!”
  • Give it back
  • Put it away
  • Hold it for me
  • Don’t stop
Find the sentence that corresponds to the situation.
  • The man has just hidden his son’s gamepad.
  • The boy was playing a video game instead of studying.
  • The man wants his son to play a game.
  • The boy was trying to work when his father sat next to him.
Even …… I read the question several times, I couldn’t understand it.
  • that
  • since
  • though
  • because
She wanted to win the contest, so she was very …… when she didn’t.
  • disappointed
  • enthusiastic
  • grateful
  • glad
Why did Dad …… off his beard? Everyone liked it.
  • brush
  • shave
  • burn
  • glue
The first …… that the teachers discussed at the meeting was violence in the school.
  • cage
  • issue
  • suitcase
  • material
The pigeon walked into the road and was killed when a car ……
  • came into it
  • drove through it
  • ran over it
  • put it down
Ron has posted this message because he ….. .
  • wants to go back to an Escape Room with some friends
  • has heard about a new Escape Room and wants to try it
  • wants to know more about Escape Rooms
  • is part of a group that is going to an Escape Room today
In order to get out of an Escape Room, you
  • have to look everywhere in the room for the key
  • are given things to do which lead you to the key
  • put the pieces of a key together and open the door
  • must lock the door in less than an hour
Jeff’s group had to ….. .
  • look for a missing millionaire
  • find what was missing from a bedroom
  • discover who committed a robbery
  • find who was responsible for a crime
Find the information that is NOT in Ron’s post.
  • Ron enjoyed himself so much that he wants to go back.
  • Jeff and his friends only just got out of their room in time.
  • You have to stay in an Escape Room until you’ve found the key.
  • It’s been a long time since Ron had such a good time.
You won’t be able to get in unless you ..... this badge.
  • will wear
  • are wearing
  • must wear
  • wore
Ken didn’t know …… to school because the buses and trains were on strike.
  • how he was going to get
  • when he went
  • if he can get to
  • if he has been able to go
I'm sure there'd be less pollution if everyone …… electric cars.
  • would have
  • has driven
  • buys
  • drove
It’s your own fault if you feel tired this morning. You ……… to bed so late last night.
  • would have to stay
  • ought to go
  • shouldn’t have gone
  • have gone
For the last two months, she …… the songs for her new album and she still has one left to write.
  • is writing
  • has been writing
  • was writing
  • has written
In this supermarket, there is a large …… of fresh vegetables.
  • case
  • choice
  • scale
  • corner
It is appropriate to describe the woman in the picture as physically ……
  • reduced
  • disabled
  • damaged
  • defective
They are trying to …… about which pepper to buy.
  • select the best
  • decide themselves
  • put off a decision
  • make up their minds
Find the list containing one word that is not associated with what you can see in a supermarket.
  • check-out, display, cattle
  • shelf, tin, loaf
  • basket, label, jar
  • trolley, cashier, pack
Miami, the Everglades and Walt Disney World in Orlando are in ……
  • California
  • Florida
  • Texas
  • New York
St Patrick is the patron saint of ……
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • Ireland
  • England
…… was born in England in 1890 and wrote plays and novels.
  • William Shakespeare
  • Agatha Christie
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • J. K. Rowling
The …… were the key leaders who united 13 British colonies in America in their fight for independence in the late 18th century.
  • Founding Fathers
  • Pilgrim Fathers
  • Native Americans
  • Founders of Liberty
Which expression can you use to say goodbye to someone?
  • “Take care.”
  • “Keep going.”
  • “Get well.”
  • “Good job.”
Peter says to Kate: “Guess what I found in the street – a diamond ring!” Kate answers: “Are you having me on?” What does she mean?
  • “Are you joking?”
  • “Are you trying to impress me?”
  • “Do you mean it's for me?”
  • “Are you going to show it to me?”
A girl says, “Bob told me that Sue made it all up. I suppose she just wanted his sympathy.” What did Sue do?
  • She wore a lot of make-up because she thought Bob would like it.
  • She felt sorry for Bob so she forgot their differences.
  • She finally decided to go out with Bob again.
  • She told Bob a lot of lies in order to get his attention.
A man says, “Short at the back, please, but leave it long on top.” Who is he talking to?
  • A tailor.
  • A hairdresser.
  • A chef.
  • A cleaner.
“Where's my jacket?” Caroline asks Harry. Harry has absolutely no idea where it is. What can he say?
  • “It's up in the air.”
  • “I haven't a clue.”
  • “It's all Greek to me.”
  • “I can't make it out.”
Maria says to Paul: “You're angry because your Mum won't let you go to the concert, but don't take it out on me.” She means that ….. .
  • Paul shouldn't talk to her about his problems
  • it's not a good idea for her to go out with Paul
  • she isn't going to try and change his mother’s mind
  • Paul has no reason to be angry with her
Complete the list: most, toast, host, ….. .
  • frost
  • lost
  • ghost
  • crossed
“Blew” doesn't rhyme with “……”
  • crew
  • shoe
  • sew
  • true
“Desperation” = o o O o. “Astronomer” = ……
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
Mrs Hathaway ….. .
  • doesn't look very welcoming
  • has a friendly expression
  • lives next door to Lisa and Sam
  • lives centrally in a small town
Lisa and Sam knocked at Mrs Hathaway's door because they ……
  • have been looking for a nice place to stay
  • know that the cottage isn't expensive
  • like the cottage and noticed it was for sale
  • hope they can sell her a cottage
One of the reasons why the cottage hasn't been sold yet is ……
  • because the local estate agents haven't tried to sell it
  • that it's far too expensive for a house of that size
  • that people don't want such a huge old house
  • that, despite being reasonably priced, it's too isolated
Find the true sentence.
  • Lisa mentions that the price won't affect their decision.
  • Sam stops Lisa from entering the cottage because she has gone pale.
  • Mrs Hathaway won't bring down the price any further.
  • Lisa has second thoughts about visiting the cottage.
The police asked me if I remembered ….. a black jacket just before the bomb went off.
  • seeing anyone wearing
  • to have seen someone wearing
  • the terrorist to have worn
  • to see a person wearing
The fortune-teller believes that, by 2021, her predictions ….. true.
  • will be seen so
  • will have come
  • would become absolutely
  • prove they have been
Don't laugh at my little brother for collecting insects. ….. you ….. that when you were his age?
  • Didn't … ever use to do
  • Weren't … used to do
  • Would have … never done
  • Did … used to doing
In the US, the phrases “over easy” or “sunny side up” refer to ..... .
  • being optimistic
  • singing
  • sunbathing
  • frying eggs
Which of the following cannot complete this sentence? “He suggested …… to the cinema."
  • our going
  • we go
  • we should go
  • us to go
Complete the proverb: “Many hands make ..... work”.
  • light
  • the devil
  • more
  • wise
Find the two missing words: dawn/sunset, lose/find, deserted/inhabited, lower/……, enthusiastic/……
  • raise … reluctant
  • increase … willing
  • higher … eager
  • descend … hesitant

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