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  • I'm English.
  • I am.
  • It's Joe.
  • Thank you.
  • Very well, thanks.
  • I'm at school.
  • I'm not very well.
  • I'm thirteen.
  • Image A
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  • Yes, you can.
  • Yes, please.
  • I know.
  • It's very nice.
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  • How are you today, Tim?
  • Do you like pizza?
  • Are you hungry?
  • Where are you, Tim?
  • 16
  • 25
  • 17 
  • 19
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  • A robot.
  • A red car.
  • A yellow car.
  • A rocket.
  • Image A
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  • Image A
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  • A clock.
  • A window.
  • A plant.
  • Two boxes.
  • Image A
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  • Where are you?
  • How are you?
  • Who is it?
  • Come on!
  • Image A
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  • Image D
  • He's a shop assistant.
  • He's a tennis coach.
  • He sells cars.
  • He teaches people how to cook.
Listen. What's the man's name?
  • Jim Becklin
  • Jim Backlyn
  • Jim Baskine
  • Jim Besklyn
Peter is at work. He's talking to a woman. Listen. Where does Peter work?
  • In a cinema.
  • At a football stadium.
  • In a restaurant.
  • At an airport.
Listen to the conversation and choose the right word to finish the man's sentence.
  • totally wrong
  • lovely
  • very well
  • delicious
Listen to John and Kate. John asks a question. Find another way to ask his question.
  • What's wrong?
  • What are you reading?
  • What's it made of?
  • Is it important?
Max and Caroline are talking about their school timetable. Listen and find the true sentence.
  • French is before lunch.
  • Geography is before lunch.
  • History is in the afternoon.
  • English is after break.
Listen to the conversation. What's the man doing?
  • Choosing paint for his bedroom.
  • Buying a sweater for his girlfriend.
  • Ordering a pizza.
  • Looking at some shoes in a shoe shop.
  • Ben doesn't like chicken very much.
  • Fiona and Ben often have chicken for dinner.
  • Fiona doesn't often cook chicken for dinner.
  • Ben wants chicken for dinner tonight.
Listen. What's the word?
  • cut
  • cat
  • can't
  • card
Listen and find the word that has the same vowel sound.
  • here
  • car
  • hair
  • fire
Listen. What are the three words?
  • chip, his, way
  • cheap, its, way
  • sheep, is, we
  • sheep, its, we
  • Charles and Anne.
  • William and Harry.
  • Andrew and Edward.
  • George and Louis.
  • Big Ben.
  • Tower Bridge.
  • The Tower of London.
  • The London Eye.
Now, ….. your books at page 4, please!
  • look
  • close
  • write
  • open
Polly and Mark ….. at work at the moment.
  • am
  • are
  • is
  • have
My brother's ….. an electric car.
  • got
  • wants
  • has
  • not
….. you ….. that, please?
  • Can ..... repeat
  • Are ..... have
  • Does ..... like
  • Have ..... get
Ryan and his friends love swimming so they ….. to the beach in the summer.
  • are always
  • often go
  • sometimes goes
  • like
….. , doesn't it?
  • London gets millions of tourists every year
  • It never snows in the desert
  • Jack often does his homework on the train
  • That shop doesn't sell computers
We know that ….. .
  • Patrick is on holiday alone
  • Patrick is in Portugal with his parents
  • the hotel is very small
  • it's cold in Portugal today
We know that one of the problems with the hotel is that ….. .
  • the rooms are very hot
  • it hasn't got a car park
  • it isn't near the sea
  • it's very old
Patrick's post tells us that ….. .
  • there's a car park in front of the hotel
  • he doesn't think his room is very comfortable.
  • his parents' room is close to the sea.
  • he doesn't like the view from his room
Find the true sentence about the Singer family.
  • They don't often eat at the hotel because the food isn't very nice.
  • They prefer to eat all their meals at a restaurant in the village.
  • They like “Como em casa” simply because it isn't expensive.
  • They go to “Como em casa” because of the quality and price of the food.
When Miss Harker asks “Do you like writing?”, “you” means ….. .
  • students
  • parents
  • teachers
  • other schools
The Writing Competition ….. .
  • is for all students at Portland Hill School
  • is for students and English teachers
  • takes place every year
  • is for all English children aged 11 to 15
If you want to enter the competition, you must ….. .
  • choose an original title for your entry
  • write something about the future
  • write a story or a play about tomorrow's world
  • change the future of Portland Hill School
If you are writing a story for the competition, ….. .
  • send it to Miss Harker by email or by post
  • you've got a lot of time, so don't hurry
  • you must finish it in two weeks
  • it doesn't matter if it's very short
Find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • Miss Harker is an English teacher at Portland Hill School.
  • Miss Harker doesn't teach English, but she's going to be a judge.
  • Three English teachers are going to judge the competition.
  • Three of the entries are going to win prizes.
….. NOT part of a traditional English breakfast.
  • Cheese is
  • Bacon is
  • Toast is
  • Sausages are
The island of Ireland is, in fact, two countries with two capital cities: ….. and ….. .
  • Dublin ….. Cardiff
  • Edinburgh ….. Belfast
  • Belfast ….. Dublin
  • London ….. Cardiff
In Britain, the day after Christmas Day is called ….. .
  • Boxing Day
  • All Saints Day
  • Christmas Eve
  • Bank Holiday
Find the word that is NOT associated with clothes.
  • lane
  • skirt
  • glove
  • scarf
Mr Payton ….. to work but his wife needs the car today so he ….. the train.
  • likes to drive ..... goes by
  • can take the car ..... must take
  • usually drives ..... is taking
  • is driving ..... can take
Find the pair of words with different vowel sounds. For example: bird/head, son/long.
  • please/feet
  • heart/hard
  • try/lie
  • fun/phone
“….. that machine …..?” “It puts the tops on the bottles.”
  • What does ….. makes
  • What's ..… for
  • Whose is ..… in the corner
  • Why does ….. work

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  • London.
  • No, I'm not.
  • Fine, thanks.
  • English.
  • It's Emily.
  • Yes, I am.
  • No, thank you.
  • I'm here.
  • Image A
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  • Wednesday, the 22nd of May
  • Friday, the 22nd of May
  • Friday, the 25th of May
  • Wednesday, the 24th of May
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • Yes, they do.
  • Mine.
  • They're at work
  • Every day.
  • Image A
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  • Caeren
  • Ciraen
  • Ciaran
  • Cieren
  • 407
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  • Option A
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  • option A
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  • option D
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  • A pair of shoes.
  • Roast potatoes.
  • New neighbours.
  • A rock band.
  • An office manager when there's a fire in the office.
  • A tourist guide at the beginning of a tour.
  • A dance teacher, just after he says to his students, “Now you do it.”
  • A bank robber when he enters the bank.
Listen to the conversation. Where are they?
  • At home in their kitchen.
  • In a bank.
  • In a supermarket.
  • In a fast-food restaurant.
Listen to the conversation at a bus stop. What can the man say now?
  • I hope so.
  • It's not my idea.
  • I don't think.
  • Yes, I agree.
  • I'm the same.
  • That's very nice.
  • No problem.
  • Pleased to meet you.
Listen to the conversation. What can the woman say now?
  • No, it's not necessary.
  • Yes, call an ambulance.
  • Yes, it's not far.
  • No, I'm still at home.
Listen to the conversation. What can the man say now? 
  • I’m sure it won't hurt.
  • It'll fit you perfectly.
  • I know you'll enjoy it.
  • You can stay at home.
Listen to the conversation between John and his wife. Find the true sentence.
  • John's painting the wrong chairs. 
  • John's painting the chairs the wrong colour.
  • John's painting chairs in the sitting-room.
  • John's in the garage with his wife.
Listen to the phone conversation. What's the man's job?
  • He's a car mechanic.
  • He's a computer expert.
  • He repairs clocks.
  • He works in a dry cleaner's.
Listen. What can you hear?
  • wishes
  • watches
  • washes
  • what is
Listen and find the word that rhymes with the word you hear.
  • far
  • dear
  • pear
  • here
Listen. What three words can you hear?
  • things, mean, sort
  • things, mine, thought
  • thinks, nine, thought
  • thinks, main, taught
  • Baked beans.
  • Meat pies.
  • Bacon.
  • Fresh mushrooms
  • British cities.
  • British royal palaces.
  • English counties.
  • English rivers.
There ….. cheese in the fridge – not enough to make a cheese omelette.
  • hasn't got any
  • isn't much
  • doesn't have a lot of
  • aren't many
What are ….. wear to the party tonight?
  • the children want to
  • the clothes can you
  • you like to
  • you going to
My grandmother ….. in the city these days – she says it scares her.
  • isn't driving
  • always goes
  • never drives
  • is leaving
What ….. of the film when you saw it?
  • did you think
  • your opinion was
  • you liked
  • you and Dad thought
I don't like my Maths teacher. All my other teachers are ….. he is.
  • much nicer than
  • a lot more intelligent
  • help me more as
  • better that
“If you ….. to live in Italy, I ….. see you again for a long time,” said Mia
  • go ..... won't
  • want ..... didn't
  • will go ..... don't
  • decided ..... can't
Mr Inchman is sending this email to ….. .
  • the children who are in the school play
  • parents who know how to make costumes
  • the parents of boys who are in the school play
  • people who wear Roman costumes
Last year, we know that ….. .
  • parents bought the boys' costumes
  • the school didn't rent or buy the costumes
  • the school paid a lot of money for the costumes
  • parents didn't make the girls' costumes
Find the true sentence.
  • The school isn't renting any costumes this year.
  • There will be two performances of the play at the end of next term.
  • Parents must contact Mr Inchman if they can't make a costume.
  • Mr Inchman writes the school plays every year.
Find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • Parents who get this email can pass it on to other people if they can't help.
  • Mr Inchman hopes that parents will make all the boys' costumes for the play.
  • Mr Inchman will give parents a sheet if they can make a toga out of it.
  • There are at least three times as many boys as girls in the school play this year.
This article is about ….. .
  • balloon flights at night
  • how to fly a balloon
  • how to make balloons 
  • balloon flights that last an hour
We know that this website belongs to a company that ….. hot air balloons.
  • organises flights in
  • offers free trips in
  • wants to sell
  • makes
What do we know about these balloon flights?
  • There are no flights at weekends.
  • All children and adults are welcome.
  • The balloons fly just a few feet above the ground.
  • The balloons fly over six British cities.
Find the sentence that is true, according to the web page.
  • If you are tall and thin, you can't be a passenger.
  • There can be more than 16 people in each balloon.
  • The balloons can only fly when there aren't any clouds.
  • When the sun goes down, the balloons come down too.
Find the sentence that is NOT true according to the article.
  • Sometimes there aren't any flights because of bad weather.
  • Passengers must phone before they arrive at the take-off location.
  • The flights always begin at the same time.
  • It's an experience that you will never forget.
Queen ….. ruled the United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901.
  • Elizabeth
  • Victoria
  • Catherine
  • Margaret
Britain's Parliament has two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of ….. .
  • Commons
  • Deputies
  • Members
  • Ministers
In Britain, people celebrate the 5th of November every year. It's called ….. .
  • Guy Fawkes Night
  • Labour Day
  • the Autumn Festival
  • Admiral Nelson Day
Everyone ….. the garden party when, suddenly, it started to rain and they all ran into the house. 
  • had a good time at
  • laughing and talking about
  • was enjoying
  • drank champagne at
Find the word to complete this “family”: toe, ankle, shoulder, ….. .
  • roof
  • wrist
  • bowl
  • duck
The “e” in “behind” doesn't sound like the “e” in ….. .
  • waited
  • garden
  • English
  • women
“….. you ….. to the cinema?” “Once a week.”
  • When are ….. going
  • Are ….. taking me
  • How often do ….. go
  • Did ….. like going

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  • Harry.
  • Harry Pearson.
  • Pearson.
  • Yes, it is.
  • It's Thursday.
  • Thank you, Molly.
  • I'm very well, thanks.
  • Yes, please.
  • Henry
  • Peter
  • Mary
  • Tom
  • Image A
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  • Image B
  • Image D
  • A tablet.
  • A pair of glasses.
  • A vase of flowers.
  • A big yellow book.
  • So did I.
  • I do too.
  • I didn't.
  • I don't think so.
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • History
  • Maths
  • Geography
  • Art
  • £85.15
  • £85.50
  • £18.55
  • £89.50
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  • What a pity.
  • Have a good trip.
  • I hope he's all right.
  • What time can you come?
  • Option A
  • Option C
  • Option B
  • Option D
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  • I really miss it.
  • I can't stand it.
  • It'll be a hit.
  • It can't miss.
  • They treat her like a baby.
  • They don't talk to her because they don't like her.
  • They do everything they can to make her happy.
  • They laugh at her.
Listen to the conversation. What are they doing?
  • They're choosing a cake in a baker's.
  • They're picking apples.
  • They're shopping for a sofa online.
  • They're taking photos of a house because they want to buy it.
Listen to the conversation. Where are they?
  • At the reception desk of a hotel.
  • In a clothes shop.
  • At a castle in Scotland.
  • At a friend's new house.
Listen to the conversation. What else can the woman say now?
  • It's not your turn.
  • I won't forgive you.
  • Never mind.
  • Don't forget it.
Listen to the conversation between Bob and Cathy. What can Cathy say now?
  • Take it back.
  • Keep off.
  • Throw it away.
  • Get out of it.
Listen. A man and a woman are talking. Who or what are they talking about?
  • His wife's cousins.
  • His new shoes.
  • Some expensive chocolates.
  • Science fiction films.
Listen to the conversation and find the true sentence.
  • The people are waiting in line outside a cinema.
  • The man has got more things to pay for than the woman.
  • The man has got a lot of things to pay for.
  • The man and the woman don't change places.
Listen to the phone conversation between Paul and Cassie and find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • Paul is ringing Cassie because he hasn't heard from her recently.
  • Paul was on the bus when he saw Cassie with her brother.
  • Cassie's younger brother has come from Canada to visit his family.
  • Cassie has been busy because she has wanted to spend time with her brother.
Listen. What's the word?
  • flour
  • floor
  • flower
  • four
Listen and find the word that rhymes.
  • worn
  • gone
  • grown
  • soon
Listen. What three words can you hear?
  • search, early, Susan
  • skirts, oddly, season
  • shirts, hourly, season
  • church, hourly, session
  • Sydney
  • Canberra
  • Melbourne
  • Perth
  • Pork sausages
  • Pancakes
  • Baked beans
  • Cream cheese
Her dog smells terrible because she ….. a bath twice a year!
  • is giving it
  • only gives it
  • isn't having
  • never put it in
…..  you ….. stay with your friends in London next summer?
  • Do ….. often
  • Are ….. going to
  • When ….. do
  • Can ….. to
When Jimmy got older, his parents  …..  him to restaurants with them.
  • are taking
  • take
  • took
  • will take
Manchester United fans will be very disappointed if their team ….. tomorrow's match.
  • won't win
  • can lose
  • is losing
  • doesn't win
“How ….. you ….. here?” I asked him. “For fifty years,” he answered.
  • long have ….. lived
  • many years do ….. live
  • much time are ….. living
  • long ago did ….. live
A lot of people think that this company makes some ….. cars in the world.
  • of most comfortable
  • better than our
  • of the best-designed
  • most expensive of all
We know that Geraldine Jackson ….. .
  • organises holidays for old people
  • helps anyone who lives alone
  • only helps people in Leventon
  • needs senior citizens
What do we know about volunteers for Senior Support?
  • They visit people every day.
  • They visit people in their free time.
  • They work for the social services.
  • They like talking to young people.
Find the true sentence.
  • Ms Jackson doesn't want volunteers who are still at school.
  • Senior Support is not just a local charity.
  • Children over 14 don't need their parents' permission to volunteer.
  • The social services don't have enough money to help old people.
According to the text, the people that Senior Support tries to help ….. .
  • never ask volunteers to do the ironing for them
  • would rather be on their own than have teenagers help them
  • aren't very keen on young people as volunteers
  • very often are no longer able to do everything for themselves
In which section of a library would you find this novel?
  • Science fiction
  • Non fiction
  • Historical novels
  • Biographies
When the general arrives, Landis is ….. .
  • alone in the palace
  • standing at the door
  • with a lot of other people
  • surprised to see the King
One of these sentences about the King ISN'T true. Which one?
  • His sister is called Landis.
  • He was a brave man.
  • He died in a battle.
  • He is now a prisoner.
We know that ….. .
  • the King's army destroyed all of the enemy soldiers
  • the enemy soldiers came from another planet
  • the general has just killed a lot of men
  • the enemy soldiers speak a foreign language
Find the sentence that ISN'T true, according to the extract.
  • The prisoner can't tell Landis and Vaxal anything.
  • An army of robots arrived here from another planet.
  • The robots fought a battle on their planet.
  • Landis's planet is probably still in danger.
In some English-speaking countries, they measure a person's height in feet and ….. .
  • inches
  • dolls
  • pounds
  • ankles
If you go to San Francisco, you can see ….. .
  • the Hollywood sign
  • the Golden Gate bridge
  • Wall Street
  • the theatres on Broadway
The present King of the United Kingdom is Charles ….. .
  • I
  • III
  • II
  • IV
“Chip”, “dashboard” and “browse” are all associated with ….. .
  • furniture
  • food and drink
  • cars and trucks
  • computers
I don't know if this TV still works. It ….. by anyone since the 1990s.
  • was last watched
  • isn't for looking
  • hasn't been used
  • didn't ever use
Abraham Lincoln was president of the USA during ….. .
  • World War II
  • the Cold War
  • the War of Independence
  • the American Civil War
“Picture” has two syllables – two vowel sounds. Which of these two-syllable words has the same two vowel sounds as “picture”?
  • scissors
  • secure
  • greener
  • nicer

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  • For ten years.
  • Yes, I am.
  • Nearly thirty.
  • Pretty good, thanks.
  • No, from Scotland.
  • Not very often.
  • Yes, by train this morning.
  • Yes, I am.
  • Some notebooks.
  • Some pencils.
  • A pair of scissors.
  • A calculator.
  • Last Sunday.
  • Three days ago.
  • On Thursday.
  • Last Saturday.
  • 1922
  • 1930
  • 1941
  • 1952
  • Image A
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  • £10
  • £8.60
  • £9.50
  • £8
  • The school.
  • The supermarket.
  • The museum.
  • The bus station.
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • Jerry Gohain
  • Gerry Johian
  • Gerry Joagin
  • Jerry Goajin
  • hru
  • uok
  • hay
  • cya
  • She's wearing a white skirt.
  • There's a phone filming them.
  • They're behind their backs.
  • Sunglasses.
  • It's absolutely delicious
  • It tastes strange.
  • It looks unusual and makes me smile.
  • It was obviously prepared with love.
  • Image A
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  • Image D
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  • Image A
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  • Image D
  • She couldn't stop herself laughing.
  • She stopped laughing.
  • She didn't think it was funny.
  • She was angry because people laughed.
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • Kelly used to like this series, but not any more.
  • Philip Mason's reputation has risen because of social media.
  • Kelly was a fan of Philip Mason at one point.
  • A lot of people believe that Philip Mason is a bully.
Listen to the conversation. What's the man doing?
  • He's cooking something.
  • He's getting ready to go out.
  • He's repairing a radiator.
  • He's making coffee.
Listen to the conversation. What's the woman looking for?
  • A good book to read.
  • A birthday cake.
  • A new coat.
  • A new shower curtain.
Listen to the phone conversation between Katy and her father, Bob. What's going to happen?
  • Bob's going to pick Katy up at Anna's house.
  • Katy's going to get the next bus home.
  • Katy's going to get a lift from Anna's parents.
  • Bob's going to wait for Katy to come home.
  • Because of money problems, he's going to sell everything he has
  • He's going to be patient and wait for something to happen.
  • He's going to stop working and retire.
  • He's about to end the phone conversation.
Listen to the conversation. What is the man looking for?
  • A fire alarm.
  • An exit door in a club.
  • An exhibit in a museum.
  • A recycling bin for glass.
Listen to the conversation between this husband and wife. What happened to the woman on the train?
  • She began screaming for help.
  • She managed to escape.
  • She lost consciousness.
  • She gave people water.
Listen to the conversation. What could the girl say to the boy now?
  • You're building castles in the air.
  • It's not rocket science.
  • There's an elephant in the room.
  • It's not the end of the world.
Listen. Which word can you hear?
  • sound
  • sight
  • sand
  • signed
Listen and find the word with the same two vowel sounds as the word you hear.
  • childish
  • cyber
  • liver
  • cigar
Listen. Which group of words can you hear?
  • considerably interesting to 
  • two particular models
  • the customer has showed
  • interest into particular
  • Raisins and sultanas.
  • Pork and beef.
  • Ice cream and vanilla.
  • Bananas and pineapple.
  • Hawaii.
  • Florida.
  • California.
  • Montana.
Who …… the door open? Was it you, Maggie?
  • did
  • left
  • was
  • makes
Maria is Spanish and …… been abroad before. She has spent all her life in Spain.
  • has yet
  • has never
  • already had
  • ever was
Ray spends all his spare time …… an old Mercedes that he bought last year.
  • working on
  • for repairing
  • to repaint
  • by restoring
This shopkeeper is worried because there are very few customers in his shop. I'm sure he'd get more customers if his prices ..... .
  • have been low enough
  • weren't so high
  • would be lower
  • can come down
When the police searched the house, the gun …… hidden in a drawer.
  • was found
  • has been discovered
  • had then
  • was put
I need to use the printer but it …… out your report for the last five minutes. How many pages are left?
  • was printing
  • printed
  • has been printing
  • has printed
What do we know about Emily and Gemma?
  • Emily is older than Gemma.
  • Emily's boyfriend is called Andrew.
  • Gemma was born on 17th May.
  • They are never annoyed with each other.
From Emily's diary entry on Thursday, we find out that ..... .
  • her parents are giving Gemma a cheap birthday present
  • Gemma is interested in sport mainly because her boyfriend is
  • Gemma has always done a lot of sport
  • Andrew has been seeing Gemma since last year
What do we know about the first present that Emily bought for Gemma?
  • It was expensive even though it came from a local shop.
  • Emily wasn't totally convinced that Gemma would like it.
  • It was made of gold and of a very original design.
  • She bought it in London because the local shops were too expensive.
Based on what Emily writes, find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • Not all of the presents Gemma got for her birthday were really appreciated.
  • Emily forgot that her sister was trying to lose weight.
  • Emily is going to pay another visit to the shop where she bought the chain.
  • Gemma now has some chocolates she can't eat and a chain she doesn't want.
This article is from a publication whose purpose is to cover news about ….. .
  • Linston
  • Cornwall
  • caves
  • superheroes
We know that Brian ….. .
  • needs to lose some weight
  • thinks that he looks like a superhero
  • is short and thin
  • is tall for his age
In August, ..... .
  • some people were trapped underground
  • a tour guide collapsed in a cave
  • Brian and his parents went to live in Cornwall
  • Brian spent his holidays in Linston
The problem for the people in the cave was that ….. .
  • they couldn't open the door at the entrance
  • the entrance was blocked because the walls had collapsed
  • no one had a mobile phone except Brian
  • no one except Brian could get through the gap in the rocks
According to the article which sentence is NOT true?
  • Brian gets more attention from girls now.
  • When Brian got out of the cave, he called for help on his phone.
  • Even though he's small and thin, Brian doesn't get bullied any longer
  • The roof to the cave entrance was made of rocks.
…… players wear caps and short-sleeved shirts during games. They also need bats – and a ball, of course!
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • American football
At the end of the ……, the English king was dead and Parliament ruled the country.
  • American War of Independence
  • Napoleonic Wars
  • English Civil War
  • American Civil War
…… is an English-speaking country that is about 40 times larger than the UK but has only about half as many inhabitants.
  • Canada
  • Guyana
  • Australia
  • Liberia
Complete the missing word in this sentence: "He had a very strict up…… ; for example, he was never allowed to go to bed late."
  • bringing
  • coming
  • lifting
  • holding
By the time Richard got to the party, the other guests ….. .
  • made a lot of noise
  • have been dancing for ages
  • had already arrived
  • didn't arrive yet
Paul is on the phone. He's saying, "That's the last straw.” What else could he say?
  • I've finally got what I want after waiting for a long time.
  • I've had enough. This new problem is too much. 
  • I haven't got any money left.
  • My new computer is absolutely fantastic
“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” were perhaps the most famous words ever spoken by ….. .
  • Winston Churchill
  • Martin Luther King
  • Queen Elizabeth I
  • John F. Kennedy

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  • I’m going to Josh’s house.
  • No, thanks, I’ll walk.
  • This evening, around 10.
  • He’s going to school.
  • Sure, see you next week!
  • Yes, have a good evening!
  • OK. I’ll be at your house at 9 o’clock.
  • Enjoy your holiday!
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • 32,547,000
  • 32,557,000
  • 32,347,000
  • 52,347,000
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • The living room
  • The kitchen
  • The bathroom
  • The bedroom
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • Ilejah
  • Eliyah
  • Elijah
  • Eligah
  • 28th April
  • 21st April
  • 30th April
  • 23rd April
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • How does it go?
  • It’s easy to play!
  • I don’t like that song!
  • What about this one?
  • There’s always a next time.
  • You didn’t fail this time.
  • It’s a lovely car!
  • Congratulations. You’ve passed!
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • Thanks, you’re very kind.
  • Lie down on the road.
  • Get out of my way.
  • Let me help you.
  • To put it off.
  • To break it down.
  • To call it off.
  • To hold it up.
  • Make up your mind!
  • Leave it to me.
  • Figure it out yourself!
  • Take it easy.
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
  • I’ve broken the ice!
  • I’ve killed two birds with one stone!
  • Talk about adding insult to injury!
  • I’ll throw caution to the wind!
  • Image A
  • Image C
  • Image B
  • Image D
Listen to the conversation. What could Dylan say next?
  • It’s awesome! 
  • Take care.
  • Be careful.
  • I’m so kind!
Listen to the conversation between Sarah and her dad. What could her dad say now?
  • Sure, take these tablets.
  • I’ll call an ambulance.
  • Yes, there are some in the bathroom.
  • OK, put this bandage on your elbow.
Listen to the man and the woman. Who is the man?
  • A doctor during an examination.
  • An airport security officer.
  • A chef in a restaurant.
  • A customer in a DIY store.
Listen to the teacher and her pupil Lucy. What does the teacher most likely say next?
  • It’s not in the papers on my desk.
  • Are you sure you downloaded it?
  • I promise I did my homework!
  • Maybe you didn’t upload it correctly.
  • Stephen Fletcher urgently needs to see a doctor.
  • Another doctor will see Dr Howard’s patients at the scheduled times.
  • Mr Fletcher already has plans so can’t make the 6 o’clock appointment.
  • Mr Fletcher prefers to wait than see someone today.
Listen to the conversation between Ben and his mother. Which of these sentences is NOT true?
  • Ben and his friends are studying at Ben’s house.
  • Ben planned to call his mum but she came home sooner than usual. 
  • Ben’s mother wishes her son had asked her permission before inviting his friends.
  • Ben’s mum is not angry but wants the boys to clean up their mess.
Listen to Clara and her brother Henry. Which of the sentences is true?
  • Clara says that Henry should spend the whole week with Emma.
  • Until recently, Henry didn’t realise how lucky he was to have Emma live nearby.
  • Emma is going to live in a different part of the country.
  • Clara suggests that Henry visits Emma often. 
Listen. What's the word?
  • bleed
  • breathe
  • brief
  • bread
Listen and find the word that rhymes.
  • weight
  • elite
  • bright
  • straight
Listen. What three words can you hear?
  • economy, benefits, policies
  • economics, benefits, politics
  • economies, benefit, politics
  • economics, beneficial, police
  • The Lincoln Memorial
  • Mount Rushmore
  • The Washington Monument
  • The Grand Canyon
  • "Land of Hope and Glory"
  • "Rule, Britannia!"
  • "The Star-Spangled Banner"
  • "God Save the King"
Ricky didn't hear the doorbell ring because he ..... at the time.
  • had a nap
  • has his headphones on
  • was having a shower
  • is listening to loud music
Unless the bus comes in the next five minutes, I ….. to my first class on time.
  • wouldn’t miss it
  • won’t make it
  • didn’t get
  • will attend
“Would you mind telling me ….. write here?” Kate asked when she was filling in a form to join the theatre club.
  • what I should
  • how I
  • to what
  • what shall I
Oh dear, you've made ..... mistakes in your report, Alex.
  • quite a few
  • very few
  • too much
  • any
My favourite YouTube channel ….. for over three years! There are new videos every week.
  • has been streaming
  • is watching
  • had run
  • has shown
Andrew's first week in his job was tough because he ..... so early.
  • used to start
  • wasn't used to getting up
  • never uses the bus
  • didn't use to be
This blog post is about ..... .
  • Sophie's experience acting in a sci-fi film
  • a fancy dress party the writer recently attended
  • a European video games festival
  • a trip to a German village
According to Sophie, “cosplay” is ….. .
  • when you disguise yourself as a famous person
  • when people wear costumes and behave like fictional characters
  • a type of computer game that you play in teams
  • a word used to describe someone who uses a fake online profile
In the game "Stranded: Alien Dawn", players have to ….. .
  • fly a spaceship without crashing it
  • defend aliens from attackers
  • look after crash survivors
  • escape from an alien planet
Find the sentence that is NOT true, according to the information in the text.
  • Sophie and Ruby dressed as fantasy creatures.  
  • There's no bigger festival of this kind in Europe.
  • The final episode of "Dragon Maze" was broadcast before Gamescon.
  • Sophie wasn’t disappointed when she met an actor she likes. 
This is the script of a ….. film.
  • murder mystery
  • science fiction
  • horror
  • comedy
Holmes and Watson are investigating ..... .
  • the murder of an opera singer
  • a killing in Covent Garden
  • a death in Mayfair
  • Sir Alec Blackmore's crimes
Watson doesn't believe that Eleanor Grey ….. .
  • left home all night
  • has a better voice than her twin
  • was on stage the whole time
  • had time to commit a crime
Holmes' theory is that ….. .
  • Elsie Grey killed her husband Sir Alec
  • Eleanor's twin replaced her on stage to give her sister an alibi
  • Elsie took the place of her sister in order to carry out the murder
  • Eleanor paid a hitman to murder her husband while she was singing
Find the sentence that is definitely NOT true, according to the information in the script.
  • Someone riding a horse could travel from Covent Garden to Mayfair in less than 20 minutes.
  • The Grey Girls was an American group made up of the Grey children.
  • The sisters look enough alike to fool the audience at the opera.
  • The difference in voices led to Holmes' discovery of the real killer.
..... is a creature from Irish mythology. It is said to be a shoemaker who keeps a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
  • The Loch Ness monster
  • Bigfoot
  • A leprechaun
  • A hobbit
Which tree does the leaf on the Canadian flag come from?
  • An oak tree.
  • A maple tree.
  • A fig tree.
  • A pine tree.
‘The land of the long white cloud’ is the name for which island or group of islands?
  • Hawaii
  • New Zealand
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
“By the …..” means to only just succeed in doing something.
  • nails of your hand
  • hair of your chin
  • skin of your teeth
  • blink of your eye
In the United States, the Democrat party is symbolised by a donkey and the Republican party by ….. .
  • a bull
  • an eagle
  • a bear
  • an elephant
In American English, a “restroom” is a place that, in British English, a lot of people call a “.....”.
  • loo
  • dressing room
  • waiting room
  • lounge
Katy had been excited to see the latest Marvel film but it didn't live up to her expectations. In other words, she felt under..... .
  • achieved
  • stated
  • rated
  • whelmed

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