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  • Two.
  • Three.
  • Four.
  • Five.
  • girl
  • baby
  • children
  • woman
  • mum
  • daughter
  • son
  • dad
  • A cat.
  • A dog.
  • A bird.
  • A rabbit.
  • rainy
  • cloudy
  • sunny
  • snowy
  • hot
  • cold
  • old
  • big
  • Saturday
  • Thursday
  • Monday
  • Sunday
  • E B
  • E V
  • A B
  • A V
  • Brown.
  • Blue.
  • Green.
  • Red.
  • Black.
  • Red.
  • White.
  • Blonde.
  • An arm.
  • A head.
  • A nose.
  • A leg.
  • A finger.
  • A foot.
  • A hand.
  • A knee.
  • Cheese.
  • Bread.
  • Cake.
  • Meat.
  • Orange juice.
  • Water.
  • Milk.
  • Coffee.
  • Breakfast.
  • Lunch.
  • A snack.
  • Dinner.
  • A living-room.
  • A bedroom.
  • A bathroom.
  • A kitchen.
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Good
  • Bad
  • It's nine.
  • I've nine.
  • I'm nine.
  • I'm fine.
  • Please!
  • Thank you!
  • Sorry!
  • Good bye!
  • bike
  • clock
  • sweet
  • ball
  • A desk.
  • A blackboard.
  • A chair.
  • A door.
  • Next to
  • Between
  • Under
  • In
  • A ruler, toes, a dress.
  • Pencils, books, a rubber.
  • Paper, a mouth, a chair.
  • A calculator, an eraser, jeans.
  • “Open your books, please.”
  • “Go to school!”
  • “Good evening, children.”
  • “Make lots of noise!”
  • New York.
  • London.
  • Washington DC.
  • Oxford.
  • Tea.
  • Cake.
  • Fish.
  • Sandwiches.
  • pound
  • dollar
  • euro
  • peso
  • The Tower of London.
  • The Empire State Building.
  • The White House.
  • Buckingham Palace.
Jack says to Sophia, “Do you like chess?” Sophia says, “Yes, ..... .”
  • I am
  • I can
  • I do
  • you do
Katy says to Harry “Mum and Dad ..... in the garden.”
  • am
  • are
  • is
  • can
Sophia says “I ..... at 7 o'clock in the morning. Then I get up.”
  • eat
  • make
  • get dressed
  • wake up
Alex ..... to school at 8 o'clock. He walks with his brother.
  • goes
  • has
  • brushes
  • washes
Harry says “..... my school bag?” His mum says “It's on the chair.”
  • What's
  • Who has got
  • Where is
  • When are
Katy is in a shop. She asks a man “..... the bar of chocolate?” The man says “1 euro.”
  • How many are
  • How much is
  • It costs
  • Have you got
  • date
  • wet
  • night
  • cat
  • ship, sheep
  • one, son
  • five, give
  • bad, bed
  • hello
  • hand
  • how
  • hour
Jake and Emma are ..... .
  • American
  • Australian
  • British
  • Canadian
Who has activities after school?
  • Olivia and Emma.
  • Olivia and Jake.
  • Jake.
  • Emma.
Trouve la vraie phrase.
  • Olivia plays the guitar and the piano.
  • Both Jake and Olivia don't like types of vegetables.
  • Emma has got a sister called Molly.
  • Jake is in the school basketball team.
Trouve la phrase qui n'est pas vraie.
  • Olivia loves music and dancing.
  • The boy can speak Spanish.
  • One girl likes ice cream and one girl likes Chinese food.
  • Emma lives near the sea and swims every day.
  • loud
  • fast
  • thin
  • young
  • A giraffe.
  • A cow.
  • An elephant.
  • A zebra.
  • got ..... His
  • has ..... His
  • has got ..... He's
  • does ..... He
  • Independence Day.
  • Halloween.
  • Christmas Day.
  • Thanksgiving Day.

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  • raining
  • snowing
  • sunny
  • windy
  • A bird.
  • A cat.
  • A dog.
  • A rabbit.
  • May
  • October
  • April
  • August
  • Sunday.
  • Winner.
  • Aunt.
  • Spring.
  • Seven.
  • Eight.
  • Nine.
  • Ten.
  • happy
  • angry
  • sad
  • hungry
  • Water.
  • Desks.
  • Toys.
  • Cars.
  • E E
  • A E
  • E I
  • E A
Paul has got a brother and a ..... .
  • sister
  • baby
  • girl
  • daughter
The two old people are Paul's ..... .
  • grandchildren
  • grandmother
  • grandparents
  • grandfather
Paul has got ..... cousins.
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five
Paul's mother has got a brother. He is Paul's ..... .
  • father
  • son
  • husband
  • uncle
Hugo has got a ..... T-shirt.
  • blue
  • brown
  • white
  • orange
Eva has got a yellow ..... .
  • skirt
  • coat
  • dress
  • bag
Jake is wearing ..... .
  • white gloves
  • brown socks
  • a red sweater
  • blue jeans
Who is wearing shorts?
  • Hugo.
  • Eva.
  • Jake.
  • Eva and Jake.
Tom gets up at seven o'clock in the ..... .
  • night
  • morning
  • afternoon
  • evening
Tom brushes his ..... at half-past seven.
  • nose
  • face
  • teeth
  • hair
Tom arrives at school at ..... .
  • eight o'clock
  • half-past eight
  • nine o'clock
  • twelve o'clock
At midday, Tom ..... at school.
  • eats breakfast
  • plays sport
  • goes home
  • has lunch
  • hall
  • bathroom
  • garden
  • bedroom
  • next to
  • below
  • under
  • above
  • Glasses.
  • A shower.
  • A bath.
  • A pool.
  • Tables, windows, a television.
  • Chairs, a street, a cupboard.
  • A beach, beds, doors.
  • A field, a sofa, a clock.
The United Kingdom is England, Wales, Northern Ireland and ..... .
  • Scotland
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Cornwall
In the USA, a ..... is a sausage sandwich.
  • bagel
  • hot dog
  • burger
  • doughnut
The famous clock in London is called ..... .
  • Big Ben
  • Old Bill
  • Tall Tim
  • Little John
This famous building is ..... .
  • the Tower of London
  • the White House
  • the Empire State Building
  • Buckingham Palace
Tom says to his mum, “..... have a drink?” She says, “Yes, you can.”
  • I can
  • Can I
  • Do you
  • Can you
Hugo ..... play football at the weekend.
  • don't
  • isn't
  • doesn't
  • likes
Eva says, “I love ..... my bike.”
  • riding
  • reading
  • driving
  • making
Jake's dad says, “...... children are in your class?” Jake says, “28.”
  • How many
  • How old
  • Are there
  • Have you got
Paul says, “Whose cat is that?” Hugo says, “It's ..... .”
  • my
  • mine
  • them
  • him
Sally is at home. She's ..... a film with her parents.
  • sees
  • looking
  • listens
  • watching
The number 4 rhymes with “.....”.
  • her
  • our
  • door
  • car
Find the pair of words that rhyme.
  • talk, sock
  • wet, eight
  • sit, white
  • love, have
The “th” in “tooth” and “three” is the same as in “.....”.
  • the
  • mouth
  • mother
  • then
Connor is ..... .
  • from London
  • Irish
  • American
  • from a big town
Who lives in a town with a cinema?
  • Mark and Grace.
  • Grace and Connor.
  • Mark and Connor.
  • Mark, Grace and Connor.
Find the true sentence.
  • The person with a pink T-shirt likes playing cricket and rugby.
  • Dingle is near the sea.
  • There's a skatepark next to Grace's school.
  • Mark never goes to museums.
Find the sentence that isn't true.
  • The person with ginger hair likes boats.
  • Twenty thousand people live in Greenville.
  • You can't swim in Connor's town.
  • There are many well-known buildings in London.
  • safe
  • huge
  • ugly
  • strong
  • hippo
  • dolphin
  • shark
  • crocodile
Eva and her sister ..... at their grandparents' house this summer.
  • stay
  • are staying
  • stays
  • is staying
  • Stonehenge.
  • Windsor Castle.
  • The Tower of London.
  • Hadrian's Wall.

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In the photo, we can see ..... .
  • six children
  • a family
  • two friends
  • teachers
The girl has got pink ..... .
  • trousers
  • shoes
  • hair
  • T-shirt
What can you see in the photo?
  • a tree, a cat, a boy
  • a mother, birds, bread
  • a dog, a grandmother, the sea
  • a mouse, a father, a car
Today is Monday, so tomorrow is ..... .
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Tuesday
  • Sunday
Twelve + eleven = ..... .
  • 11
  • 13
  • 22
  • 23
Complete the month: _ _ _ U S T.
  • A P R
  • A U G
  • O C T
  • M A Y
The opposite of “hot” is “.....”.
  • big
  • cold
  • tall
  • fat
Complete this “family” of words: head, leg, hand, ..... .
  • bike
  • cow
  • pasta
  • foot
This is a letter from Jake to ..... .
  • his friend Toby
  • his parents
  • his grandparents
  • his brother in Cardiff
Jake ..... .
  • doesn't like summer camp
  • stays inside all day
  • has got a friend, Toby
  • doesn't like the people there
Every day, Jake ..... .
  • gets up at nine o'clock
  • eats eggs for breakfast
  • goes to bed at seven o'clock
  • watches films in the evening
Find the true sentence.
  • Camp Silver Lake is great for children who like sports.
  • Jake's favourite activity is swimming.
  • In the letter, Jake asks his parents for some money.
  • The children normally play games after lunch.
Ben and Emma ..... French.
  • is
  • are
  • be
  • am
..... your name at the top of the page.
  • Write
  • Open
  • Take
  • Make
My neighbour has ..... a cat. His name is Spot.
  • him
  • is
  • have
  • got
“..... have a glass of water, please?” “Yes, of course.”
  • Are you
  • Have you
  • Is there
  • Can I
Do you ..... the bus to school?
  • take
  • walk
  • go
  • has
In the photo, we can see a ..... in a room.
  • desk
  • bed
  • sofa
  • cupboard
The football is ..... the cup.
  • above
  • under
  • behind
  • on top of
The ..... is yellow and the ..... is blue.
  • clock ..... chair
  • clock ..... cup
  • cup ..... clock
  • chair ..... clock
What can you see in the photo?
  • pencils, the floor, a computer
  • pens, folders, a window
  • a door, a skateboard, a mouse
  • a bottle, glasses, a wall
The colours of the British flag are ..... .
  • red, white and green
  • red, white and blue
  • blue and white
  • white and red
Fish and ..... is a very popular British meal.
  • tea
  • beans
  • beef
  • chips
..... is not a British city.
  • Belfast
  • Chicago
  • Manchester
  • Edinburgh
..... lives at 10 Downing Street, London.
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • King Charles III
  • Paddington Bear
  • The British prime minister
Jim says to Alice, “How are you, Alice?” What can Alice say?
  • “It's raining.”
  • “I'm fine.”
  • “I'm eleven.”
  • “In the kitchen.”
Anna's grandmother gives her a birthday present. Anna says, “Thank you.” What can her grandmother say?
  • “You're welcome.”
  • “This is mine.”
  • “I'm sorry.”
  • “Yes, please.”
Poppy is ill. What can her friend Mia say to her?
  • “I don't feel well!”
  • “Get well soon!”
  • “Enjoy yourself!”
  • “Have a nice time.”
Mark says, “I wear a white coat. I help people look after their teeth. Some people are afraid of me! ” What is Mark's job?
  • He's a doctor.
  • He's a dentist.
  • He's a clown.
  • He's a police officer.
Alex says, “It's made of metal, plastic and glass. I usually keep it in my pocket. I make calls with it. I can't use it in class.” What is it?
  • His glasses.
  • His calculator.
  • His phone.
  • His keys.
Max asks a woman a question. She says, “Yes, we've got it. It's in the sci-fi section. The author's name is D.R. Laing so look on the shelf labelled 'L'.” Where is Max?
  • At the cinema.
  • In a museum.
  • In a computer games shop.
  • In a library.
The number 1 rhymes with “.....”.
  • sun
  • mum
  • moon
  • man
Find the pair of words that rhyme.
  • eye, they
  • snow, now
  • wait, wet
  • bird, word
“American” = o O o o. “Alligator” = ..... .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
Who can be in the school show?
  • Students of Newport High School.
  • Teachers at the school.
  • Parents of school students.
  • People from Newport.
If you want to be in the show, you must first ..... .
  • perform in Drama class
  • go to the school hall on Thursday
  • ask Mr Rogers or Mrs Oliver
  • go to the show on Friday, the twenty-first of June
Find the true sentence.
  • Everyone who comes on Thursday will be in the show.
  • Only the worst students can be in the show.
  • The winner in June will get a prize.
  • Two teachers decide who will be in the show.
Find the sentence that is not true.
  • A rock band can't be in the show.
  • A comedian can tell jokes for three minutes.
  • A seven-minute dance routine is too long.
  • A magician and his rabbit can be in the show.
"..... your cousin look ..... ?" "He's got black hair like me."
  • Who is ..... for
  • Does ..... likes you
  • How does ..... at
  • What does ..... like
Those cakes cost £2 each but ..... are only £1.50.
  • these ones
  • this cookie
  • that muffin
  • all they
British children usually wear uniforms to school, ..... ?
  • do they
  • don't they
  • aren't they
  • isn't it
Find the pair of words that DON'T rhyme.
  • worry/sorry
  • tower/hour
  • heart/art
  • pear/bear
Find the word that is NOT an object you find in the bathroom.
  • Soap.
  • A swing.
  • A towel.
  • A sink.
My teacher ..... four languages. She ..... me Spanish this year.
  • speaks ..... is teaching
  • can speak ..... learns
  • is knowing ..... teaches
  • has got ..... gives lessons to
British children love Fireworks Night, or Guy Fawkes Night. It is celebrated on ..... .
  • 5 November
  • 31 October
  • 26 December
  • 1 May

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In this photo, we can see ..... .
  • four girls in a forest
  • boys and girls outside
  • a family at home
  • some children in a library
The two girls ..... .
  • are holding the ball
  • have got long hair
  • aren't wearing shorts
  • are sad
Find a title for the photo.
  • Playing football at school.
  • Winter sport.
  • Volleyball at the beach.
  • A game of basketball.
There’s ..... on the mountain, so we can go skiing today.
  • sun
  • sky
  • snow
  • sea
Do you want some ..... in your coffee?
  • milk
  • soap
  • hot
  • meat
“How much do these jeans ..... ?” “€40.”
  • last
  • catch
  • cost
  • wear
Find a title for this “family” of words: nurse, ill, bandage.
  • Health
  • Jobs
  • Travel
  • Feelings
Wake up, Joe, it's 7 o'clock. Time to ..... and get ready for school!
  • get up
  • put on
  • go to bed
  • turn off
Martha is chatting to Lucy, her ..... .
  • friend
  • aunt in Cornwall
  • History teacher
  • younger cousin
We know that Martha is ..... .
  • in London at the moment
  • visiting family in Cornwall
  • away from home for two weeks
  • in the car
Martha asks for Lucy's help because she ..... .
  • left her dolls at home
  • forgot to give her homework to her teacher
  • hasn't got her History homework with her
  • doesn't like sharing a room with her cousin
Find the true sentence.
  • The car journey to Cornwall took six hours.
  • Martha doesn't like the scenery in Cornwall.
  • Lucy will print the assignment and send it by post.
  • Alice and Martha are similar in age and interests.
There ..... a swimming pool in the garden.
  • have
  • is
  • some
  • am
Are you ..... to the concert tonight?
  • going
  • see
  • want
  • come
“..... you ..... any pets?” “Yes, I've got a dog and a cat.”
  • Is ..... have
  • Has ..... have
  • Do ..... got
  • Have ..... got
London is ..... than Liverpool.
  • more
  • expensive
  • bigger
  • cold
“Where ..... yesterday, James?” “At home. I was ill.”
  • were you
  • are you
  • did you
  • you go
The family in the photo is ..... a rollercoaster.
  • riding
  • running
  • walking
  • flying
The dad is happy and the mum is ..... .
  • funny
  • bored
  • scared
  • tired
Find the true sentence.
  • Everyone is wearing sunglasses.
  • The mum is behind her son.
  • The dad's hands are in the air.
  • The boy is standing up.
Find the list of words associated with games and leisure.
  • camping, jigsaw, a floor
  • movies, a picnic, curtains
  • a ruler, cards, a gym
  • bowling, hiking, puzzles
A traditional English breakfast includes bacon, sausages and ..... .
  • eggs
  • fried fish
  • pancakes
  • cereal
The king's home in London is ..... .
  • the Tower of London
  • Buckingham Palace
  • the White House
  • the Houses of Parliament
In Britain, a “pound” is a unit of money or a measurement of ..... .
  • height
  • temperature
  • liquid
  • weight
What is the name of the sea between the south of England and the north of France?
  • The Thames.
  • The English Channel.
  • The North Sea.
  • The Tube.
You give your friend Sarah a gift. She likes it and says, “Thank you.” What can you say to her?
  • “Fine, thank you.”
  • “Pleased to meet you.”
  • “You're welcome.”
  • “Enjoy your trip.”
Your friend Kelly won the 100-metre race. What can you say to her?
  • “Never mind!”
  • “Good luck!”
  • “Well done!”
  • “Don't worry!”
On the street, a woman asks you for directions to the train station. What can you say to her?
  • “There aren't any left.”
  • “Go ahead, take one!”
  • “It's there on the right.”
  • “It leaves in five minutes.”
Leo says, “It’s big and white. It's made of metal and glass. You put things in it and they come out clean.” What is he describing?
  • A washing machine.
  • A tablet.
  • An oven.
  • A bath
Jack and his friend Ethan are at school. Ethan says, “.....” and Jack says, “You can borrow mine.” What did Ethan say?
  • I can lend you my pen.
  • I forgot my keys!
  • I left my calculator at home!
  • Sorry, I didn't bring your dictionary.
Emma and John are in a restaurant. John says, “I'd like the pasta.” Emma wants the same thing. What can she say?
  • “Neither do I ”
  • “I don't either.”
  • “So do I.”
  • “I am too”
“High” rhymes with “.....”.
  • day
  • my
  • he
  • boy
Find the list of words that rhyme.
  • son, phone, run
  • said, red, dead
  • way, grey, cry
  • hear, pear, near
“Competition” = o o O o. “Avocado” = ..... .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
At the weekend, Jake watched a film about ..... called Skip.
  • a thief
  • an actor
  • a detective
  • a dog
At the beginning of the film, Skip ..... .
  • works for the police
  • is happy and popular
  • doesn't enjoy being a police dog
  • dreams of going to Hollywood
From Jake's review, we know that ..... .
  • Skip works with a human and another dog
  • Candy saw the person who stole her jewellery
  • someone is stealing famous people's pets
  • Skip catches the thief
Find the sentence that ISN'T true.
  • Dog Cop 2 is a comedy movie with some action scenes.
  • Jake thinks that older teenagers will like Dog Cop 2 the most.
  • The first Dog Cop film was very popular with audiences.
  • Jake didn't like the first film as much as the second one.
You'll be sick if you ..... .
  • eat all those sweets
  • are drinking too much milkshake
  • will eat that old chicken
  • won't finish your vegetables
The children ..... when the teacher entered the classroom.
  • laughing loudly
  • was quiet
  • play games
  • were talking
Oh no! I wanted tickets for the concert but ..... left. It's sold out.
  • they are only
  • there's no one
  • there are none
  • they aren't any
The first “e” in “receipt” sounds like ..... .
  • the “e” in “tennis”
  • the “ei” in “height”
  • the “y” in “gym”
  • the “i” in “sign”
I wanted to go to the park but Dad suggested ..... instead.
  • to see a movie
  • us to the beach
  • to having a barbecue
  • visiting the zoo
The flag of Wales has got a ..... on it.
  • red dragon
  • gold lion
  • silver unicorn
  • white rose
Find the British English version of this American English word: yard.
  • queue
  • pavement
  • garden
  • lorry

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In the photo, the three teenagers are ..... .
  • camping in the woods
  • playing a game
  • buying a tent
  • staying in a hotel
The boy on the right ..... .
  • has got sunglasses on
  • is holding a guitar
  • is cooking lunch
  • is looking at the fire
What can you see in the photo?
  • a fire, trees, a tent
  • headphones, birds, a caravan
  • T-shirts, smoke, rain
  • sausages, grass, a kitchen
The opposite of “clean” is “.....”.
  • soft
  • dark
  • poor
  • dirty
The symbol @ is called ..... .
  • at
  • hashtag
  • dot
  • com
Oh no, it's raining! Quick, let's stand ..... that tree.
  • between
  • above
  • through
  • under
Choose a name for this “family” of words: score, winner, cards.
  • Games
  • Health
  • Travel
  • Birthdays
That video is really funny! I'll ..... it with my friends.
  • borrow
  • save
  • keep
  • share
Mr and Mrs Brown are Maisie's ..... .
  • neighbours
  • grandparents
  • cats
  • parents
What do you know about Maisie?
  • She's 14 years old.
  • She loves playing music.
  • She is bored and lonely.
  • She really likes cats and dogs.
In her letter, Maisie ..... .
  • offers to care for her neighbours' two cats
  • says she will feed and walk Mr and Mrs Brown's dog two times a day
  • explains that she has never been a pet sitter before
  • writes that she looked after her gran when she was ill
Find the true sentence.
  • Maisie's family is going on holiday for two weeks in August.
  • Maisie offers to visit the cats twice a day.
  • Maisie is available to visit from 1 pm to 5 pm each day.
  • If Maisie visits once a day, she will earn £35 for the week's work.
“Susan! Are you ..... to me?” “Yes, Miss.”
  • hear
  • don't hear
  • listening
  • listened
“What are you doing this evening?” “I ..... to the cinema.”
  • 'm going
  • go
  • will
  • am watching
“Where ..... you go on Saturday?” “I went to my friend's house.”
  • have
  • are
  • were
  • did
I ..... when the doorbell rang. It was the delivery man.
  • slept
  • 'm in the garden
  • was having a shower
  • am watching the football
“Do we ..... to pay to visit the museum?” “No, it's free.”
  • should
  • have
  • must
  • got
In this photo, the customer seems ..... .
  • nervous
  • lost
  • unhappy
  • pleased
The customer is ..... about her new hair colour.
  • discussing
  • congratulating
  • complaining
  • discovering
The hairdresser is probably saying “.....”
  • I can fix it, don't worry.
  • I want to speak to the manager.
  • I'm so glad you like it.
  • This is all your fault!
Find the group of words associated with personal appearance.
  • wavy, roof, slim
  • brush, wallet, skin
  • handsome, beard, curly
  • cooker, straight, bald
Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa are cities in ..... .
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • the United States of America
..... are popular for breakfast in the USA. They are often served with bacon and eggs, or with syrup.
  • Potatoes
  • Hot dogs
  • Beans
  • Pancakes
On the 4th of July, Americans celebrate ..... .
  • Thanksgiving
  • Labor Day
  • Halloween
  • Independence Day
The year 1066 is very important in British history. It is when the English army was defeated by the ..... at the Battle of Hastings.
  • Normans
  • Scots
  • Vikings
  • Romans
Your best friend introduces you to his cousin, Paul. What can you say to Paul?
  • “You're welcome, Paul.”
  • “Hi! Nice to meet you, Paul.”
  • “This is Paul.”
  • “Good to see you again!”
You are buying some sweets in a shop. They cost £1.50 and you pay with a £2 coin. The cashier gives you some money and says, “.....”
  • This is mine.
  • Here's your change.
  • I've got too much.
  • There's some left.
A man says, “They're on all the floors of our house except in the bathroom and kitchen. They're soft to walk on.” What is he talking about?
  • Carpets.
  • Curtains.
  • Blankets.
  • Wood.
Jake is seeing his girlfriend for the first time since she returned from holiday. What can he say to her?
  • “I missed you!”
  • “You can't miss it.”
  • “I didn't notice you.”
  • “You were missing.”
In a café, you see a boy you don’t know take your coat off a chair. What can you say to him?
  • “Leave him alone!”
  • “Put on my jacket!”
  • “Hey! Buy your own!”
  • “Excuse me — that’s mine!”
Sally's neighbour needs some help. She says to Sally, “Could you ..... ? Would you water my plants next week while I'm away?”
  • provide a service
  • do me a favour
  • help yourself
  • make me an offer
“Said” rhymes with “.....”.
  • paid
  • lied
  • played
  • red
The “ea” in “heard” has the same sound as the “ea” in ..... .
  • heart
  • learn
  • wear
  • health
“Calculator” = O o o o. “Secretary” = ..... .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
According to the text, Shakespeare's Globe is ..... .
  • where Shakespeare works
  • a theatre beside a river
  • a famous play
  • a travel book
Find the sentence that is true.
  • A fire destroyed many of Shakespeare's plays.
  • The first Globe Theatre burned down in 1997.
  • William Shakespeare wrote plays but didn't act in them.
  • There have been two theatres called The Globe in London.
What is unusual about seeing a play at The Globe?
  • During the day, the only light comes from candles.
  • If it rains, performances will be cancelled.
  • The majority of the audience watches plays standing up.
  • You have to dress like people did in Shakespeare's time.
Find the sentence that ISN'T true, according to the travel guide.
  • A couple would pay £50 for tickets in the seated area.
  • If you saw 'Romeo and Juliet' today, Juliet would be played by a boy.
  • It's possible that you'll get cold and wet while watching a play.
  • You won't hear electric guitars or keyboards at The Globe.
Mmm, that was the ..... ice cream that I .... eaten.
  • best ..... 've never
  • nicest ..... have ever
  • more delicious ..... have yet
  • most ..... already
The house ..... is on top of a hill.
  • where do you live
  • which we bought
  • that likes John
  • who is white
The police officer asked ..... saw the accident.
  • if we did
  • to him if he
  • me if I
  • that they
Which pair of words don't sound the same?
  • aloud/allowed
  • ice/eyes
  • past/passed
  • wear/where
I'm very busy at the moment. Could you tell ..... I'll call him later?
  • to Mr Jones that
  • for him that
  • my husband
  • that the client
Complete the "family" of words: pool, puddle, canal, ..... .
  • pond
  • snooker
  • sand
  • canoe
Which is the smallest state in the USA?
  • Hawaii.
  • Connecticut.
  • Wyoming.
  • Rhode Island.

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In the photo, the young woman in the middle ..... .
  • is talking on her phone
  • is eating popcorn
  • has got a drink in her hand
  • is watching the film
The other people ..... with her.
  • are delighted
  • look annoyed
  • feel amused
  • can't complain
The girl on the right is saying, “.....”
  • Stop saying that!
  • Turn that off!
  • Please speak louder!
  • Could you repeat that?
The opposite of “soft” is “.....”.
  • dry
  • light
  • hard
  • quiet
Complete the list: keyboard, screen, mouse, ..... .
  • rabbit
  • laptop
  • guitar
  • cheese
“It's 7 o'clock. Is your sister ..... ?” “Yes, she's getting dressed.”
  • awful
  • away
  • awake
  • above
“You're driving too fast, Jim. You need to ..... . The speed limit here is 30 mph, not 40.”
  • hurry up
  • get off
  • slow down
  • put down
Find a name for this ‘family’ of words: tights, suit, belt.
  • Houses
  • Health
  • Transport
  • Clothes
Who is Sophia Dixon?
  • She is a journalist.
  • She works in the tech industry.
  • She makes computer games.
  • She reads this magazine.
How did Sophia get her game console?
  • She bought it with her own money.
  • She won it in a competition.
  • Her parents gave it to her.
  • It was a gift from a friend.
Sophia says that ..... .
  • there aren't many games for the new model
  • some old games don’t work with the new console
  • you can't chat to your friends on the GameHub 3
  • some games were a bit boring
Find the true sentence.
  • Readers can send video game reviews to the magazine.
  • Other companies make game consoles of similar quality.
  • Some stores sell cheap GameHub 3 games.
  • Sophie wasn't a fan of the new chat feature.
“What ..... for, Mum?” “My phone. Ah, it's over there!”
  • was searching
  • are you looking
  • do you see
  • have you got
My brother is not ..... me at tennis.
  • as good as
  • better
  • the best
  • enough
..... been to the new shopping centre in town yet?
  • Did you
  • Will you
  • Have you
  • Are you
..... more time outdoors if the weather was nicer!
  • He spent
  • I will spend
  • I'd spend
  • We spend
The temple ..... by the Romans in the first century AD.
  • was built
  • which built
  • would build
  • was building
Look at the photo. The father looks ..... his daughter’s work.
  • confused about
  • embarrassed by
  • proud of
  • angry with
Find the true sentence about the photo.
  • The daughter is concentrating on what she is doing.
  • The father is showing his daughter how to draw a house.
  • The daughter looks like she would rather be doing something else.
  • The father is not doing any of the work.
The father is probably saying “..... the good work!”
  • Keep up
  • Get up
  • Hang on
  • Give up
Find the list of words associated with decorating or homes.
  • pillow, ladder, carpet
  • paint, wall, ice
  • brush, golf, bucket
  • leg, drawer, heating
In which Australian city will you find a famous opera house?
  • Melbourne
  • Sydney
  • Perth
  • Canberra
..... is made up of two main parts: North Island and South Island.
  • New Zealand
  • Great Britain
  • The Republic of Ireland
  • South Africa
In the United States, ..... is on the fourth Thursday in ..... .
  • Halloween ..... October
  • Independence Day ..... July
  • Thanksgiving ..... November
  • Easter ..... April
One third of the buildings in London were destroyed in 1666 by ..... .
  • the Blitz
  • the English Civil War
  • the Great Plague of London
  • the Great Fire of London
It’s Paul’s grandma’s birthday. He gives her some flowers as a gift. She’s happy. What can she say?
  • “Happy Birthday!”
  • “How kind of you!”
  • “They’re my favourite flavour!”
  • “The same thing again?”
James has missed the bus home and calls his mum. His mum says, “..... I’ll come and pick you up.”
  • Never mind.
  • Have you lost your mind?
  • You don’t mind.
  • Make up your mind.
A salesperson says, “It's quiet, light and powerful. The cord is 5 metres long and it's great for picking up pet hair.” What is he talking about?
  • A hairdryer.
  • A vacuum cleaner.
  • An electric razor.
  • A lawnmower.
Ben has romantic feelings for a girl called Lucy. He wants to tell her how he feels. What can he say to her?
  • “I've got a crush on you.”
  • “I think you're creepy.”
  • “Will you go away from me?”
  • “I'm into it.”
Rose is talking about her friend Gemma. Rose says, “Gemma's nextdoor neighbours are so noisy! I don't know how she ..... them.”
  • puts up with
  • gets over
  • looks after
  • calms down
Mark and his friend Jason are talking. After Jason says something, Mark says, “You can say that again.” What does Mark mean?
  • Mark wants Jason to repeat himself.
  • Mark strongly agrees with what Jason said.
  • Mark doesn't believe Jason.
  • Mark wants other people to hear what Jason said.
Find the word that rhymes with "lose".
  • close
  • mouse
  • news
  • chose
Find the pair of words that don’t rhyme.
  • tale, tail
  • hour, power
  • enough, cough
  • war, wore
“Education” = o o O o. “Responsible” = ..... .
  • O o o o
  • o O o o
  • o o O o
  • o o o O
We know that Louis ..... .
  • spent the weekend at a festival
  • had a new experience yesterday
  • slept in a tent on Saturday
  • and his friends went camping
Louis says that ..... .
  • Calista Miles was his favourite performer of the festival
  • Calista Miles was entertaining but has a weak voice
  • he didn't expect to enjoy Calista Miles and he was right
  • he sang a song that he doesn't usually like
Find the true sentence.
  • A rapper who performed on Saturday has got a new fan.
  • The only bad thing about Tuned In Festival was the cost of the food.
  • Louis downloaded 'My Heart and You' this morning.
  • Louis had to wait a long time to charge his phone.
Find the sentence that is NOT true.
  • Despite a couple of issues, Louis is already planning his next visit.
  • When Louis is older, his parents will let him camp at the festival.
  • Louis didn't have his own mobile phone charger with him.
  • The toilets remained clean the whole time.
We know that the information ..... by someone in the company but we don't know whom.
  • is giving
  • didn't arrive
  • was leaked
  • escaped
When I moved to Spain from the UK, I wasn’t able ..... the hot weather so ended ..... moving back to the UK.
  • to use ..... it
  • to be used to ..... to
  • used to ..... for
  • to get used to ..... up
The woman saw ..... and reported it to the police.
  • a man grabbing a handbag
  • him to put the cash in a bag
  • the thief has stolen money
  • the burglar broke the window
“To let the ..... out of the bag” means to reveal a secret.
  • cat
  • snake
  • rat
  • spider
Complete the word: “It was nice to finally read some up..... news after all the depressing stories we've had recently.”
  • turning
  • rising
  • taking
  • lifting
The woman ..... gave a million dollars to charity.
  • who are really rich
  • , which was very wealthy,
  • asked the celebrities to
  • that won the lottery
Black pudding and hash browns are sometimes served with ..... .
  • an English breakfast
  • Christmas dinner in Britain
  • Thanksgiving dinner in the USA.
  • afternoon tea in England

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